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寻香记 A Drop of Perfume


  The invention of perfume occurred long before man began to record such things.
  This painting from 1)Pompeii, of little 2)cherubs manufacturing highly prized and 3)exotic fragrances, shows that the Romans were using techniques that had not changed for thousands of years. Plants, flowers, 4)resins and other materials were crushed, strained and soaked into water, fats or oil. It was all very labour intensive and could take up to six months to produce one fragrance.
  But then, in 870 AD, the world of perfume manufacture was revolutionised by an Arab invention—5)distillation. The steam 6)condenses into droplets that flow down a tube and are collected at the base, leaving pure rose oil floating on the surface of distilled water. It took 10,000 pounds of roses to produce just one pound of rose oil, and yet the Arab factories produced so much of it they were able to send an annual tribute of 30,000 bottles to the 7)Caliph of Baghdad. Rose oil is still used today as an 8)ingredient in over 75% of all perfumes.
  But not everybody shared the Egyptian’s love of perfume. The 9)Spartans, for instance, banned it, and in 361 BC, when the Egyptians threw a banquet for the King of Sparta, Agesilaus, he was so 10)affronted by the smells of his hosts that he 11)stormed out. The Egyptians were equally offended by his 12)uncouth behaviour. It is possibly the only diplomatic incident in history to be caused by perfume.


     Sparta was a city-state[城邦] in ancient Greece.
     From 650 BC it rose to become the dominant military power in the region and as such was recognised as the overall leader of the combined Greek forces during the Persian Wars[波斯战争l. Between 431 and 404 BC Sparta was the principal enemy of Athens[雅典]  during the Peloponnesian War[伯罗奔尼战争]. By 362 BC Sparta's role as the dominant military power in Greece was over.
      Sparta and Athens
      The two rivals of ancient Greece that made the most noise and gave us the most traditions were Athens and Sparta. They were close together on a map, yet far apart in what they valued and how they lived their lives.
       Sparta, was recognized for its military strength. Spartan life was simple and focused on obedience and war.
       Athens, on the other hand, was renowned as a centre of wisdom and learning. The people ofAthens were interested in arts, music, and intellectual pursuits.
