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千奇百怪小趣事之——蜜糖海啸 The Treacle Tsunami


neighborhood of Boston  大千世界,无奇不有,有些事情还真“雷”不倒你不肯休——不信?看了再说吧!
  Let’s have one more mini-myth, and this one’s quite weird—The Treacle Tsunami.
  On January 15th, 1919, in the north end neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, a tank containing 2.3 million gallons of treacle burst, and a wave of sticky 2)molasses up to 15 feet high ran through the streets at about 35 miles per hour, killing 21 and injuring 150 others. It was like a treacle tsunami, taking out everything in its path.
  So, was that a true story? Did a treacle tsunami happen?
  Well, yes it did. The Boston molasses disaster of 1919 is well-documented fact. It was caused by a combination of hot weather and a 3)faulty tank, and took six months to tidy up. Locals claim they can still smell the treacle today.
