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《美女上错身》:“有质有量”的换位人生 In TV Series, Some Reality on Weight

美女上错身  如果说“飞上枝头变凤凰”是让《灰姑娘》经久不衰的美丽戏码,“身份的缺失与重拾”是《王子与贫儿》童话面纱下的深刻内涵,那么2009年推出的美剧《美女上错身》就是一套集童话色彩和现实意义于一身的剧集。哎呀,等等……“身份的缺失与重拾”?Yes! “飞上枝头变凤凰”? No! 应该是“飞落枝头成麻雀”才对——由纤瘦模特摇身成为肥胖律师。

  Television has turned its lens on the overweight in recent seasons, mostly with reality shows like 1)The Biggest Loser on NBC. But, surprisingly, it has taken a new dramatic series to challenge conventional notions about dieting and willpower, and to more accurately depict the emerging science of weight loss.
  In 2)Drop Dead Diva, on Lifetime, a heavenly mix-up leaves Deb, a 3)vapid but good-hearted 4)size zero model, trapped in the overweight body of Jane, an intelligent, hard-working lawyer played by Brooke Elliott.
  The 5)ensuing story line centers on Deb’s struggle to accept her new plus-size life. But the show’s premise raises an obvious question: Given Deb’s success at maintaining a model-like figure, why doesn’t she just put her new body on a diet and lose the weight?
  Shows like The Biggest Loser 6)proffer the message that all it takes is exercise and willpower for fat people to become thin. But Drop Dead Diva explores a different reality. While the slim Deb could comfortably subsist on a diet of 7)grapefruit and 8)celery, Jane’s plus-size body craves chocolate doughnuts. While Deb spent her days 9)working out and obsessing about the size of her knees, Jane discovers that long hours at the office drain her of the desire and energy to exercise.
  When a friend suggests a strict diet, Deb (now in Jane’s body) makes a 10)valiant effort to return to her model eating habits. But she discovers that Jane’s body craves chocolate and 11)Cheez Whiz. When she is inside Jane’s body, Deb says: “I don’t like celery. I like sandwiches.”

  The show’s creator, Josh Berman, said he wanted the series to make a statement about diet, weight and beauty. “I don’t believe it’s about willpower,” Mr. Berman said in an interview. “If it were, then the assumption would be that if we all wanted to be a size zero, we could be a size zero. Everyone has different needs and desires. If someone finds a doughnut to be comforting, who are we to judge them?”
  Most 12)obesity researchers now agree that 13)metabolic differences, not willpower, are the driving forces behind weight and appetite control. Studies suggest that an imbalance of brain chemicals and 14)hormones can increase cravings and make certain foods difficult to resist.
  “I have 15)grave concerns about how many of these television shows 16)stigmatize overweight people by 17)making them a spectacle,” said Kelly D. Brownell, director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale. “They suggest that if you only try hard enough you can be thin. A far better message is that it’s hard to lose weight and that it’s not just willpower and personal responsibility, but that both biology and the environment are players.”  Mr. Berman says Drop Dead Diva is heavily influenced by his family experiences. His father, a plastic surgeon, and his mother, a nurse, made frequent trips to the Pritikin weight-loss 18)resort in Florida.


  “这些电视节目里很多都是丑化超重人群,对他们进行诬蔑,我对此很是担忧。”耶鲁大学路德食品政策和肥胖中心主任凯利·D·布朗内尔说道,“这些节目暗示,只要你足够努力,就能变瘦。但其实更有益的信息应该是这样 的——减轻体重是件难事,这不仅仅是意志力和个人责任感的问题,生物学和环境因素也在起作用。”


  “Everything in my family was about health and weight,” he said. “My mom didn’t let any of the kids eat sugar. Even at birthday parties we were denied cake. All of those issues were in the back of my mind when I wrote the show.”
  Mr. Berman, who is of normal weight, said his inspiration for the show came from his grandmother, a short, plump woman named Deb “who 19)carried herself like a supermodel.”
  “I always liked the idea of a woman who doesn’t feel on the inside like she looks on the outside,” he said. “I thought, ‘How could I dramatize that type of person?’ ”
  And while many shows portray overweight women as 20)dowdy, Ms. Elliott, whose performance as Jane has 21)captivated reviewers, has also become something of a fashion trendsetter.
  Fans of the show have searched online for Jane’s green 22)Michael Kors purse, and Entertainment Weekly recently featured a 23)coral dot-print shirtdress by 24)Kay Unger New York that Ms. Elliott wore on the show.
  Ms. Elliott says she is pleased that her character has become inspirational to so many women, although the attention still surprises her.
  “The show is supposed to 25)blow open the stereotype of what we believe about weight or the roles overweight actresses have to play,” she said. “I’m just trying to play this character honestly and make sure we’re sending the right message.”
  Mr. Berman said his show would continue to try to be 26)nonjudgmental about weight and focus on issues of self-esteem and identity.
  “This show is not telling people they need to lose weight,” he said. “I feel there are enough shows that make people feel bad about themselves. If you want to lose weight, fine. Just don’t hate yourself if you’re larger than average.”

  “我一直喜欢这样的想法—— 一个女人在内心与她表面上看起来不相同,”他说,“我想:‘我该如何创作剧本来表现这样的人物呢?’”
  这部剧的“粉丝”们在网上搜索简的绿色迈克·柯尔钱包,而《娱乐周刊》最近一期特写也刊出埃利奥特女士在剧中所穿的由时尚品牌Kay Unger New York设计的一件珊瑚色圆点衬衫式连衣裙。


Judging Amy 《法外柔情》(1999)
法外柔情    《法外柔情》描述的是曾经前途无限的哈佛法学院毕业生、纽约年轻女律师艾米·格雷在和丈夫离婚后,带着三岁的女儿回到家乡康州首府哈德福德市与母亲同住,并在友人推荐下成为民事法庭的女法官的故事。该剧吸引了大量的年轻观众,一直享有不错的收视率。而饰演该剧女主演艾米·布伦尼曼也因此多次获得艾美奖和金球奖最佳女主角的提名。

The Guardian 《法外情真》 (2001)

Boston Legal 《波士顿法律》 (2004)
波士顿法律    该剧讲述的是发生在美国波士顿市一家律师事务所的故事。男主角艾伦·肖被原来的公司解雇后来到丹尼·克瑞恩的律师事务所工作。艾伦因为惯用一些不光彩的手段赢得官司而让同事不满,而其上司丹尼因举止出位被同行视为怪人。而这两个“边缘人物”形成了亦师亦友的关系,共同面对职场与生活中不同的挑战……
