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维基解密:朱利安·阿桑奇 Julian Assange: the Whistleblower


Julian Assange 朱利安·阿桑奇  Everything about this is odd. Julian Assange, the founder, director, frontman2), guiding spirit of global whistleblowing service WikiLeaks looks a bit odd for a start. Tall, cadaverous3), dressed in ripped jeans, brown jacket, black tie, battered trainers. He detests subjectivity in journalism; I fear that part of him detests journalists, too, and that WikiLeaks—which describes itself as an “uncensorable system for untraceable mass document leaking”—is essentially a way of cutting out subjectivist idiots such as me.

  If Assange was producing this article, he would post the rambling4) hour-and-a-half-long talk he delivers at the Centre for Investigative Journalism’s summer school at London’s City University online, plus the 10 minutes we spend talking on the way to a restaurant and the additional 20 minutes of chat in the restaurant before it’s politely suggested I’ve exhausted my time. “When you’re dealing with any secondary sources about me, be extremely careful,” he says as we walk.

  “Journalism should be more like science,” he tells me in the restaurant. “As far as possible, facts should be verifiable5). If journalists want long-term credibility for their profession, they have to go in that direction.” He likes the idea of a 2,000-word article backed by 25,000 words of source material, and says there is no reason why you can’t provide that on the internet.

   Assange’s Wikileaks   阿桑奇的“维基泄密”

  Assange unveiled wikileaks.org in January 2007 and has pulled off6) some astonishing coups7) for an organisation with a handful of staff and virtually no funding. It has exposed evidence of corruption in the family of former Kenyan president Daniel arap Moi8), published the standard operating procedures for the Guantánamo Bay detention centre9), even made public the contents of Sarah Palin’s Yahoo account. But what has really propelled WikiLeaks into the media mainstream is the video it released in April, 2010 of a US helicopter attack in Baghdad in July 2007, which killed a number of Iraqi civilians and two Reuters personnel.
维基泄密  阿桑奇于2007年1月将wikileaks.org公布于众,自那以后便“惊人之举”迭出。对于一个只有几名员工,也基本没有资金支持的机构来说,能有这些“惊人之举”着实令人惊讶。该网站揭露了肯尼亚前总统丹尼尔·阿拉普·莫伊家族腐败的证据,发表了关塔那摩监狱的标准运作程序,甚至还将萨拉·佩林的雅虎邮箱的邮件内容公之于众。但真正让“维基泄密”进入主流媒体行列的,还是其于2010年4月公布的一架美军直升机于2007年7月在巴格达发动攻击的录像。那次攻击杀害了许多伊拉克平民以及两名路透社的工作人员。

  The video, posted in a 39-minute unedited version and as an 18-minute film called Collateral10) Murder, gives a chilling insight into US military attitudes: sloppiness in identifying targets, eagerness to finish off11) a grievously wounded man as he attempts to crawl to safety, and lack of concern even for two children in a van that arrives to pick up the bodies and is immediately attacked. “It’s their fault for bringing their kids to a battle,” says one of the pilots. “That’s right,” replies his colleague matter-of-factly12).

  WikiLeaks has just five full-time staff and about 40 others who, he says, “very frequently do things”, backed by 800 occasional helpers and 10,000 supporters and donors—an amorphous13), decentralised structure, which might become the model for many media organisations in the future, as what might be called “journalism factories” become both outmoded and unfinanceable. This is a delicate moment in the development of what Assange prefers to think of as a “movement”. “We have all the problems that a growing startup organisation has,” he says, “combined with an extreme adversarial14) environment and state spying.”

  The danger of penetration by the security services is acute. “It makes it hard to get new talent quickly,” he says, “because everyone has to be checked out, and it makes internal communication very difficult because everything has to be encrypted and security procedures put in place. And we also have to be ready to respond to lawsuits.”

  Assange has to be careful about his personal security. Bradley Manning15), a 22-year-old US army intelligence analyst, has been arrested and charged with allegedly giving WikiLeaks the footage of the Baghdad attack. There have also been disputed reports that WikiLeaks may be holding 260,000 classified diplomatic cables, and the US authorities have been quoted as saying they want to interview Assange about all this material. Some sources with links in the intelligence agencies have warned him he is in danger and advised him not to travel to the US.

  When I ask him whether the rapid growth and increasing significance of WikiLeaks surprises him, he says no. “I was always confident the idea would succeed, otherwise I wouldn’t have spent my time on it or asked other people to spend their time on it.” He has spent a good deal of that time in Iceland, where freedom of information is protected and he has high-level supporters. It was here that the complex work of decrypting the video of the Baghdad attack was done.

  Assange’s Life   阿桑奇生平

Assange’s Wikileaks  Assange was born in Queensland in 1971 into what sounds a highly unconventional family. His parents ran a touring theatre company, and he went to 37 different schools, though some accounts suggest his mother thought school encouraged deference16) to authority, so educated him mainly at home. His parents divorced, his mother remarried, there was a bustup with her new husband, which led to her, Julian and his half-brother going on the run.

  He fell in love with computers in his teens, became a skilled hacker and formed a group called International Subversives, which broke into US defence department computers. He married at 18, and he and his wife soon had a son, but the marriage broke down and he fought a long custody battle, which, it is said, entrenched17) his dislike of authority. There are also suggestions he felt some people in the government had been conspiring18) against him. So we have a neat journalistic picture: computer expert with two decades of hacking experience, hostility to authority, conspiracy theorist. Setting up WikiLeaks in his mid-30s looks like an inevitable move.

   Challenging Conventional Journalism   挑战传统新闻

  In his talk, Assange had said that he is neither of the right nor the left—his enemies are forever trying to pin labels on him in order to undermine his organisation. What matters first and foremost is getting the information out. “First the facts, ma’am,” is how he summarises his philosophy to me. “Then we’ll get down to what we want to do about it. You can’t do anything sensible until you know what the situation is that you’re in.” But while he rejects political labels, he says WikiLeaks does have its own ethical code. “We have values. I am an information activist. You get the information out to the people. We believe a richer intellectual and historical record that is fuller and more accurate is in itself intrinsically good, and gives people the tools to make intelligent decisions.”

  Is WikiLeaks’s impact today an inherent criticism of conventional journalism? Have we been asleep19) on the job? “There has been an unconscionable20) failure to protect sources,” he says. “It is those sources who take all the risks.”
  Journalists, he says, let other people take the risks and then take the credit. They have been letting the state, big business, vested interests get away with it21) for too long, and a network of hackers and whistleblowers hunched over computers, making sense of complex data and with a mission to make it freely available, is now ready to do a better job. It’s an incendiary22) argument, and one I’d stay and contest if he wasn’t sipping white wine and about to order dinner.
  But one thing I have to say. Julian Assange may represent the future of news reporting, but he is not a journalist, at least not in the conventional sense.

  1. whistleblower [5(h)wIsl7blEuE] n. 告密者,揭发者
  2. frontman [5frQntmAn] n. 领头人
  3. cadaverous [kE5dAvErEs] adj. 瘦削的,骨瘦如柴的
  4. rambling [5rAmblIN] adj. 长而离题的
  5. verifiable [5verIfaIEbl] adj. 能作证的,能证实的
  6. pull off:干成某事,努力实现
  7. coup [ku:] n. 妙计,出乎意料的行动
  8. Daniel arap Moi:丹尼尔·阿拉普·莫伊(1924~),1978~2002年间担任肯尼亚总统一职,于2006年被查出在担任总统期间涉嫌收受巨额贿赂资金。“维基泄密”通过英国《卫报》公布了有关其家族收受贿赂等的腐败证据。
  9. Guantánamo Bay detention centre:关塔那摩监狱,位于古巴东南端的关塔那摩市,是美军2002年1月建立的一座监狱,最初的目的是临时关押囚犯,现已改建成一个长期使用的监狱。2007年,“维基泄密”公布了一份美国国防部下发给士兵的《关塔那摩监狱管理指导手册》,规定了对囚犯权利的限制条款。
  10. collateral [kR5lAtErEl] adj. 连带的,并行的
  11. finish off:结束,干掉
  12. matter-of-factly:不动感情地
  13. amorphous [E5mC:fEs] adj. 无组织的,不定型的
  14. adversarial [9AdvE5seErIEl] adj. 对抗的,敌手的
  15. Bradley Manning:布拉德利·曼宁(1987~),美国陆军情报分析员,因涉嫌向“维基泄密”提供文中提到的美军在巴格达的空中袭击视频而被捕,今年7月份又被怀疑与泄露阿富汗战争日志有关,现已经受到泄露军方机密数据等数项指控。
  16. deference [5defErEns] n. 顺从,服从
  17. entrench [In5trentF] vt. 确立,使……处于牢固地位
  18. conspire [kEn5spaIE] vt. 搞阴谋
  19. asleep [E5sli:p] adj. 麻木的,不重视的
  20. unconscionable [Qn5kCnFEnEbl] adj. 不合理的,极不公正的
  21. get away with it:逃脱惩罚,侥幸成功
  22. incendiary [In5sendjErI] adj. 煽动的
  23. provenance [5prCvEnEns] n. 来源,出处
  24. 指2010年7月美国“维基泄密”网站披露的九万多份阿富汗战争日志文件。
  25. pin down:清楚地建立
  26. subject to:易受……的,常遭……的
  27. Taliban:塔利班,伊斯兰原教旨主义运动组织,发源于阿富汗的坎大哈地区。它在1995年发动战役,控制了阿富汗90%以上的领土,在1996~2001年间在阿富汗建立了全国性政权。2001年“9·11”事件发生后,在美军的打击下,塔利班政权
  28. retribution [7retrI5bju:FEn] n. 报复,惩罚
  Actually, Julian Assange is a controversial figure. While some raise their hand for approving that he is a hero, some others think that his work is reckless and does more harm than good. Now let’s have a look at some of the arguments.

  1. The materials he leaked may be not accountable.
  Critics say that the information it published is unchecked and some of it may be of dubious provenance23). And Assange concedes, among the 92,000 documents24) he released, that no more than about 2,000 pages of documents released were reviewed substantially by his own staff. For a group that prides itself on transparency, there’s a certain irony in the fact that the group itself is hard to pin down25) and therefore defies some of the standards of accountability.
  1. 他泄露的材料未必可信。

  2. The website isn’t doing journalism.
  While Assange is taking pride in his “scientific journalism”, some critics point out that “Wikileaks, which characterized itself as a journalistic endeavor, is something entirely different.” Roy Greenslate, Professor of Journalism at London’s City University, says: “The posting of the material on the internet is not in itself an act of journalism. It is merely the beginning of a journalistic process, requiring analysis, context and, in this particular instance, a form of necessary censorship in order to protect individuals identified in the documents.”
  And Lucy Dalglish of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press says that what the network does “is not journalism” but “data dissemination”. She says it is just a new sort of entity, enabled by the technological advances of the digital age, to put reams of secret or confidential material in the public domain with virtually no accountability.
  2. 该网站从事的并不是新闻工作。

  3. The website has endangered the lives of Afghan informants and civilians.
  Now Wikileaks has been accused of disclosing the names of Afghan collaborators who may now be subject to26) reprisal. Daniel Yates, a former British military intelligence officer, said, “Julian Assange has seriously endangered the lives of Afghan civilians. The logs contain detailed personal information regarding Afghan civilians who have approached NATO soldiers with information. It is inevitable that the Taliban27) will now seek violent retribution28) on those who have co-operated with NATO. Their families and tribes will also be in danger.”
  3. 该网站已危及阿富汗的情报提供者和平民的生命安全。

