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  全世界原著民陷危机 1)Indigenous People in Danger
  语音:英式发音 适合跟读
  关键词:UN, indigenous communities, life expectancy
Indigenous People in Danger  United Nations says in its first comprehensive report on the subject, that the 2)life expectancy of indigenous communities in several countries is much lower than for the rest of the population. It says the big difference in life expectancy is down to the wealth gap between indigenous people and their 3)compatriots.
  More than 370 million people around the world are members of indigenous communities; in other words, 5% of the world’s population. But the UN says they’re in danger of disappearing. They blame this trend on poor health as a result of poverty. In several countries, indigenous people are likely to die well before their non-indigenous 4)peers. Take Australia and Nepal, for example. There some indigenous groups are likely to die 20 years before their fellow countrymen. In Canada, that life expectancy gap is 17 years. In Ecuador, it’s 13, and in New Zealand it’s 11.

   中国“蚁族”手记 China's "Ant" Villages
  语音:美式发音 适合跟读
  关键词:Tangjialing, college graduates, starting point
China's   On the 1)fringe of Beijing, Tangjialing village is wallpapered with fliers advertising jobs and cheap rooms for rent to college graduates who have moved in from across the country, all with a dream of making it big in the big city.
  Twenty-six-year-old Yang Jinghai lives in an 11 m2 apartment at just $60 per month. He has a computer networking degree, a job selling mobile phone software, but wants to save enough to someday open his own business.
   “It’s not hard to find a job in China,” he says, “but it’s really hard to find your ideal job.”
  Yang is part of a new generation of educated 2)migrants in China who live on the urban edge. It’s estimated 40,000 recent graduates have crowded in to Tangjialing among just 3,000 locals. They commute up to four hours a day to work in the city center. One professor likens them to ants because they are relentlessly hardworking living in poor, 3)cramped conditions he calls “ant villages.” “Huge ant villages are appearing because of the increased availability of higher education,” he says. “The labor force is transforming but the country is still developing.” That means there are not enough jobs for multiplying numbers of graduates.
  Six times as many students graduated from college in China in 2009 than a decade ago, and 14% of current graduates are unemployed. Those who are getting a paycheque aren’t necessarily well-paid. But, luckily, the cost of living in an ant village is affordable.
   “I think Tangjialing is a starting point for many young people to take off and realize their dream,” says this one-time resident.
  It’s certainly not the standard of living expected after a college education, but ant village 4)dwellers say they have to start somewhere.
  “在中国找一份工作并不难,” 杨靖海说,“难的是找一份理想的工作。”

   快乐也能练出来?  Americans in Search of Happiness
  语音:美式发音 适合讨论
  关键词:happiness, training, skeptical
Americans in Search of Happiness  As we head into the New Year with an ongoing war and economic crisis, experts say a lot of Americans are in search of happiness and a more meaningful life. And it’s just not 1)in vogue to be blue, associate psychology professor Dr. Todd Kashdan says, “In our society being unhappy is not socially acceptable.”
  Todd: When you ask someone, “Are you happy?” and they say, “Actually, I’m really 2)miserable when I’m happy.” There’s a lot of 3)cues there that this is not someone that I want to start talking to on a regular basis.
  4)Proponents of positive psychology, which focuses on what makes people happy, say it’s easy to achieve with the proper training.
  Andrew: The science says that you can improve your happiness and you can improve your 5)resilience.
  Andrew Rosenthal is co-founder of happier.com, a web site that offers members positive psychology tools to help track and improve their happiness. He says, for starters, 6)jot down all the things you’re grateful for, recognize your strengths and 7)utilize them. If practiced regularly, positive psychologists say most people are guaranteed to be happier.
  Andrew: Now for some people, maybe they can only learn to be 25% happier; maybe they’re pretty much set. Other people can really improve a lot.
  Management professor Adam Grant is skeptical. He says although it’s been proven people can train themselves to be happier, he fears positive psychology is being used as a 8)blanket fix.
  Adam: I wouldn’t feel very comfortable recommending a one-size-fit-all solution to any set of problems that a given individual is facing without understanding that person’s circumstances.
  But possibly worth a try if being happier is your New Year’s resolution.

  Comments 观点参考
  ● According to longtime happiness researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky, a professor of psychology at the University of California-Riverside, what can give us a lasting boost is how we think and behave. About 40 percent of our happiness is under our conscious control.
  ● I worry about positive psychology. Psychology must respect individual differences, and one-size-fits-all interventions are rarely helpful.
  ● You can be unhappy any time, any place. Moreover, life without unhappiness would probably be unbearable for it would have no light and no shadow, no day and no night, no loss and so no real gain, no sorrow and so no real joy.
