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黄西:让我们“笑”除成见 Joe Wong: Let us 1)Laugh off Stereotypes


  黄西(Joe Wong),一位来自中国东北的化学博士,在美国用英语给美国人说美式“单口相声(stand-up comedy)”,且颇受广大观众喜欢,后获邀在美国CBS电视台著名的脱口秀节目——《大卫·莱特曼深夜秀》上进行表演。这段不足六分钟的美式“单口相声”表演令黄西迅速走红全美,其表演视频在视频网站YouTube上的点击率超过了36万次。越来越多人知道了这位用带着中国口音的英语讲精彩笑话的华裔移民,而黄西也希望能借助相声改变美国社会对亚裔移民的印象。

  A good way, it’s often said, to measure one’s understanding of a second language is the ability to understand a joke. While Joe Wong doesn’t only get 2)punch lines in English, he makes them up.
  On April 17, 2009, Joe Wong made his television 3)debut as a 4)comic on 5)The Late Show with David Letterman. The 39-year-old 6)Arlington resident and Chinese national is the latest in a prestigious line of Boston comics to 7)make it onto the national stage.

  Wong’s journey to the 8)stand-up 9)mic is more unusual than most. Raised in the northeast province of Jilin, China, Wong came to the U.S. in 1994 to pursue a PhD in chemistry at 10)Rice University in Texas. Despite 11)penning a few humor columns for the school paper, he was subsequently rejected from a creative-writing class because of what he was told were weak sample submissions. It was at that point that this Chinese student decided to give up trying to write things that would make Americans laugh.
  But after graduation, in 2001, Wong 12)caught a live comedy show by performance-art & comic legend 13)Emo Philips at a Texas nightclub. “I had no idea there is an art form called stand-up comedy,” said Wong, who wears round glasses and has short hair, and, not surprisingly, smiles often. He said that in China, the only thing comparable to stand-up was “14)crosstalk.” Though he could only understand about half of Emo’s jokes, Wong said he fell in love with the art. “It was very smart... It expands...the way you think. It just puts a little perspective on life, too,” he said. And he was inspired to try stand-up himself.


  Upon moving to Boston to do a job as a cancer researcher, Wong enrolled in a stand-up class at the Brookline Center for Adult Education. He got his first “15)break” telling jokes at a bar in 16)Somerville, in the winter of 2002. “In the beginning, it was tough, because people didn’t want to give me stage time,” said Wong. “I don’t look like a 17)go-getter. I look timid. People don’t have a lot of confidence in me.”
  Letterman comedy 18)scout Eddie Brill would 19)beg to differ. After first spotting the comedian onstage in 2005, Brill asked Wong to send him some tapes of more material. Three years later, he came to see him perform in Boston again. Wong said that he took a “Darwinian approach” to writing jokes: writing 100, 20)ditching 99. He and Brill worked together to 21)hone a Letterman-22)friendly 23)act, and it paid off—audiences love Wong. “I didn’t pay that much attention to the crowd response while I was there 24)taping,” said Wong of his Letterman appearance. “But, when it 25)aired, and I watched myself on TV, I was really surprised. I didn’t expect the amount of applause breaks that I received.”
  Though he said he rarely saw Asian Americans in the audience when he’s up on stage, Wong—who was a self-described “all-American immigrant”—said that much of his 26)repertoire focused on his own immigrant experience. And he was determined to use comedy as a platform for representing the immigrant community to the rest of the U.S. “In this country, immigrants are referred to as ‘27)Generation Zero,’ ” he said. “There is no voice for them. There are a lot of interesting things going on in their lives, but (because of language and cultural barriers) they can’t tell their story. I want to be a voice for immigrants. That’s the ideal situation.”



  Surprisingly, said Wong, one of the 28)culture shocks he experienced in the U.S., was not due to coming from China to America, but coming from Texas to Massachusetts. He was on stage at a club in Boston telling jokes about his home country. “People laughed and they enjoyed it,” he said. But then, he started talking about his time in Texas. “The audience started 29)booing me.” Turns out, 30)blue-state Bostonians didn’t want to hear about their 31)red-state counterparts 32)down south.
  But stereotypes and racism still existed, whether in blue or red states. “Sometimes you go to certain clubs (in Boston or New York)…and you still see people use racial 33)slurs about the Chinese. You rarely see Asian audience members there and so nobody is afraid of offending anybody. It’s not very good,” he said.
  When asked why he thinks there are so few Asians in the audience, Wong said he had an idea why: “It’s an interesting story, I heard it from another comic in 34)L.A. She told me that she goes to colleges to perform and she rarely sees any Asian students there, even though every school has a lot of Asian students. She asked (the audience): ‘Where are all the Asians here?’ And they would say: ‘Oh, they’re studying.’”
  His best jokes, he said, are not planned. “My best material just comes to me… I don’t exactly know how,” said Wong, who always carries a little brown 35)notepad in case he gets an idea.
  For now, Wong is balancing his “civilian” life as engineer, husband, and new dad with the 36)barrage of phone calls from 37)casting directors and agents that began after his Letterman spot aired. He’s optimistic about these new opportunities, but 38)pragmatic. “As for giving up my other career—that depends on the demand for my comedy,” he said. “I’m still not confident about my writing. Most of my comedy is about 39)trial and error. I don’t know what the future holds.”
  But, 40)jokes aside, Wong said he tries to give back the community by performing 41)benefits such as the show for the 42)Asian Community Development Corporation, a Chinatown nonprofit developer.

  黄西说,他最好的笑话并不是预先设计好的。“我最棒的素材是突如其来 的……我也不太清楚为什么会这样。”黄西说。他总是随身带着一个小小的棕色记事本,以便灵感突现时可以及时记下来。


Wong's punch lines on The Late Show with David Letterman (更多信息:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTM4OTYxNDQ=.html)

     l.  "I'm an immigrant. And I used to drive this used car with a lot of bumper stickers(汽车保险杠上的贴纸)That are impossible to peel off. One of them said, 'If you don't speak English, go homc.' And I didn't notice it for two years."
    2.  “I tried really hard to become a U.S. citizen, and I had to take this America history lessons...whcre they ask us qucstions like... who's Benjamin Franklin? Well,I like aah...the reason our convenience store gets robbed...”  (小编闲语:这则笑话有点费解吧?一起来看看谁是Benjamin Franklin-本杰明·富兰克林(1706-1790)是美国著名政治家、科学家,同时亦是杰出的外交家及发明家。他发明了避雷针、蛙鞋等。值得一提的是,每张百元美钞上都印有本杰明·宫兰克林的肖像。这下,大家该明白了便利店被抢和Benjamin Frankjin之间的关系了吧?^O^)
    3. " just had my first child last year:. and aah...l was really amazed by it...you know...l was at the delivery room...holding on my son...thinking to myself...wow...he was Just bom...and he is already U.S. citizen...so I said to him...ah...do you even know who's Benjamin Franklin...now I have a sign on my car...it says...ah...  ‘Baby on Board'...this sign is basically a threat...it just says I have a screaming baby and a nagging(唠叨的)wife...and l am not afraid of dying anymore...”  (小编闲语:  “Baby on Board”本意指的是汽车后窗上用来提醒防止发生汽车追尾事件警示贴纸,这里黄西活用其字面意思“车内有婴儿”,一语双关,妙趣横生。)
