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祖哈尔·苏坦:战乱中奏响和谐之乐 Zuhal Sultan I Forged Harmony amid Chaos(2)

youngsters to receive online 19)tuition from music teachers in the UK and America. “When the war broke out, most of the music teachers in Iraq disappeared. They either left the country or stopped teaching. Many young musicians in Iraq are self-taught. It is the only way,” she says.

  Finally, she sought funding for her 20)venture. “I was staying up late at night sending 40 emails a day to anyone I could think of,” she says. “One day I found that the deputy prime minister [of Iraq] was on Twitter, so I sent him a message, with an article about me and the orchestra, and asked him if he would be interested in supporting us. Two days later I met him and he gave me $50,000. It was the quickest $50,000 I ever got. After that, I was 21)ecstatic because I just knew it was going to work out.”

  Members of the orchestra and the musicians from abroad met for the first time last August. “The Iraqi musicians were from all over the country and spoke different languages. At first they stayed in different groups, with people from their area. But as soon as they sat down to play music, they all came together. It wasn’t perfect from the start. The first rehearsal was a disaster. The instruments were of poor quality and with so many people being self-taught, there were problems. But they worked so hard. They rehearsed from 7 am to 7 pm, and late at night I would hear them practicing till the early hours of the morning. One day during rehearsals the electricity shut off and all the lights went out, but the musicians just kept going.”

  The final concert, which included a mix of music by Iraqi composers, Beethoven and22)Haydn, was performed in front of an audience of almost 1,000. “It was amazing,” says Sultan. For her, as well as for the musicians, the experience was entirely new. “In Iraq every single aspect of culture is 23)frowned upon by some people,” she says. “Musicians carrying their instruments would disguise them in shopping bags to avoid trouble. There are very few public concerts.”

  Her work with the orchestra led to an invitation to join Musicians for Harmony, an American organization that promotes peace through music. “I felt very lucky and I wished that other young people in Iraq could have the same experience, and that is really where the idea for a youth orchestra came from.”

  Much of her time is taken up with planning the next gathering of the NYOI in July. Her ambition is to one day be the first Iraqi female conductor of a leading orchestra. “There hasn’t been one before,” she says. “I care passionately about the orchestra and what I am doing.”

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