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望乡的树 A Grandfather's Tree of Life

  In my father's backyard, in the heart of what used to be Little Italy1) but is fast becoming yet another enclave of Toronto yuppydom2), there is a fig tree. As fig trees go, it is a scraggly3) little thing with a kind of forlorn4) theatricality5) that would make it a suitable stage piece for Beckett's Waiting for Godot6). But when you consider that the species was not meant by its creator to live north of, say, the 35th parallel7), its paltry8) appearance is a sign of its endurance, and like Beckett's tramps9), the little tree seems to go on with a kind of hope-against-hope response to its absurd position in a climate that is, to put it mildly, hardly conducive10) to its health.
望乡的树 A Grandfather's Tree of Life  在父亲的后院里,有一棵无花果树。那一带过去被称作小意大利,但现在很快就成了多伦多雅皮士的又一领地,父亲的后院就在它的中心地带。说是无花果树,其实也就是一株枝叶凌乱的小树,给人以孤独凄凉的感觉,别具戏剧效果,特别适合用作贝克特的剧作《等待戈多》的舞台道具。但是,如果你了解到造物主在创造这一物种之时,并未打算让其生存在北纬35度以北,你就会明白它那不起眼的外表实则代表着内心的坚忍。和贝克特笔下的流浪汉一样,这棵小小的果树,置身于如此不宜生存的荒谬地带——气候即使算不上恶劣,对其健康生长也毫无益处——却能顽强地生存下来,凭借的似乎就是一波又一波不灭的希望。

  I like to think of it as a conscious display of the desire to survive against overwhelming odds, if only to reward my father's obsessive care, sustained by his soul's need to surround itself with a vestige11) from the Garden of Eden of his youth in the Calabrian12) hills.

  Brought here from Southern Italy as a young sapling13), the fig tree, like its immigrant caretaker, survived the violent uprooting and thrives in its new home, a large wooden half-barrel, of the kind that is used by wine makers. To prevent its freezing to death, it has spent the past three winters buried under four inches of soil.

  Shortly after Victoria Day14) my father unearthed it and within days, like the Phoenix15) of the storytellers, it was magically reborn, its leaves luxuriating16) in the northern sun; the Mediterranean homeland but a distant memory, an indelible17) genetic imprint. It's as though my father and the little tree have agreed upon an ecological covenant18) and both struggle to live up to its terms, practical concerns being merely secondary to the tree's great symbolic value as messenger across time and geography.

  It's a tough bargain for the little tree to live up to, but it seems to have managed bravely for the past four years. This summer it bore an appropriately abundant crop of figs, about a baker's dozen19). My father was thrilled and understands this to be nothing short of20) a renewable miraculous event; for him clear evidence of the providential21) bursting forth of the Great Chain of Being22)(my words, his reality).

  For his part, he tends to the tree's needs, checking the soil moisture, the lustre23) on its large three-pronged drooping24) leaves, turning each one over to check for parasites25) in a daily ritual that never fails to light up his whole face. In their silent dialogue, my father and his tree speak of a distant homeland, a world disrupted26) by large-scale emigration, a pre-industrial, agricultural time in which the movement of the sun and moon in the sky and the ebb and flow27) of the seasons set clear parameters for the life of the senses and the soul.

  At a recent Sunday brunch my father wanted to share the crop with his grandchildren. And so, consummate28)storyteller that he is, he told a tale about the joy of Calabrian children in the early summer when they are abundantly rewarded by the first crop of delicious figs. A joy that cannot ever be matched, he says, by a sort hop to the local Miracle Mart29) just beyond Euclid Ave. My children loved the story but didn't care much for the figs. After all, they did not come wrapped in glitzy30) foil with surprise stickers of Dick Tracy31) stuffed in them. My father smiled his sad smile and made his usual comment about the modern world having lost the sense of the miraculous.

  In downtown Toronto figs are becoming available almost year-round, as are other exotic fruits, in markets that bear little relationship to the cycle of the seasons. In the consumer utopia of post-agricultural Toronto, seasonal restraint on cravings of any sort is seen as a limitation on personal freedom. Yuppie children, mine among them, do not have to wait for the arrival of summer to titillate32) their palates33) with the exotic sensuality of figs.

  But if a delicacy34) is available year-round and within easy reach of the local supermarket, is it still a delicacy? My father, citing such ancient wisdom as life's blessings being more enjoyable when they are “the fruit of thy labor”, doesn't think so. But then, unlike his Canadian grandchildren, he does not crave35) instant gratification36), and is happy to live within the cycle of nature. And although his figs are as scrawny37) as the tree that bears them, to him they definitely do taste better than the ones from the local supermarket. They are a true delicacy, and the fruit of his labor. In any case, they speak in a silent language of a time in which soul and landscape, man and tree lived together in the same mythical dwelling with no consumer utopia to act as mediator between them.

  As a child growing up in the Calabrian hills I too remember the miraculous taste of figs ripened on my favorite tree. The scraggly relative making its home in my father's backyard pales38) in comparison, but its symbolic value is far greater. My father's ecological covenant with the fig tree conceals in its core the kernel of a social contract with my children. And although they do not now realize it, the memory of their grandfather's little tree will one day be central to their own dialogue with a part of themselves that yearns to live in harmony with the movement of the sun and the moon, and the eternal recurrence of the seasons.

  As the northern winds will portend39) the onset of winter my father will once again bury the fig tree. Then he will wait. Spring will return, as it must, and his silent dialogue with a distant homeland, a place and time that are no more, will start again.

  1. Little Italy:喻指居民以意大利移民为主的地区。
  2. yuppydom:此词是由名词yuppy和后缀-dom合成。yuppy [ˈjʌpɪ] n. (也可写成yuppie)雅皮士,指西方国家能干、有上进心的中青年人士,他们一般受过高等教育,具有较高的知识水平和技能,在着装、消费行为及生活方式等方面带有较明显的群体特征。后缀-dom表示“领域,领地”。
  3. scraggly [ˈskræɡ(ə)lɪ] adj. 蓬乱的,不整齐的
  4. forlorn [fə(r)ˈlɔː(r)n] adj. 被遗弃的
  5. theatricality [θɪˌætrɪˈkælətɪ] n. 戏剧风格
  6. Waiting for Godot:《等待戈多》,爱尔兰剧作家塞缪尔·贝克特(Samuel Beckett, 1906~1989)写的两幕悲喜剧,1952年用法文发表。这部戏剧讲述的是两个流浪汉在荒凉的村路上等待戈多——一个他们自己都不认识而且不知何时能见面的人。《等待戈多》是戏剧史上真正的革新,也是第一部演出成功的荒诞派戏剧。
  7. parallel [ˈpærəlel] n. 纬线,纬线圈
  8. paltry [ˈpɔːltrɪ] adj. 可鄙的;没价值的
  9. tramp [træmp] n. 流浪汉
  10. conducive [kənˈdjuːsɪv] adj. 有利于……的
  11. vestige [ˈvestɪdʒ] n. 痕迹,遗迹
  12. Calabrian [ˌkəˈleɪbrɪən] adj.卡拉布里亚的。卡拉布里亚(Calabria)位于意大利西南部,是最古老的地中海文明发源地。这一地区绝大部分是山区和丘陵,是意大利最贫穷的地区之一。在20世纪早、中期,很多卡拉布里亚人移民到意大利北部、欧洲其他地区、澳大利亚和美洲的工业中心。
  13. sapling [ˈsæplɪŋ] n. 树苗,小树
  14. Victoria Day:维多利亚节,加拿大法定节日,时间是5月24日之前(包括5月24日)的最后一个星期一,为纪念英国女王维多利亚的诞辰而设。维多利亚节一般也被认为是夏季的开始,从这天起即可开始播种。
  15. Phoenix [ˈfiːnɪks] n. 指埃及神话里的不死鸟,又译作“菲尼克司”,类似于中国的凤凰。不死鸟每隔五百年左右便会采集各种有香味的树枝或草叶,将之叠起来后引火自焚,最后留下来的灰烬中会出现重生的幼鸟。
  16. luxuriating [lʌɡˈzjʊərɪeɪtɪŋ] adj. 茂盛的
  17. indelible [ɪnˈdeləb(ə)l] adj. 去不掉的,不能拭除的
  18. covenant [ˈkʌvənənt] n. 契约,盟约
  19. baker's dozen:13个为一组。这个习语是个典故,据说源于3世纪的英国。那时,为防止面包师缺斤短两,克扣份量,英国制定了有关面包份量的标准。面包师销售的面包不符合标准,就要受到严厉的惩罚。为避免受罚,面包师们就在出售面包时每打多给一个,即13个为一打。
  20. nothing short of:完全是
  21. providential [ˌprɒvɪˈdenʃ(ə)l] adj. 天意的,天佑的;由神的意旨产生的
  22. Great Chain of Being:存在之巨链,是基督教和西方中世纪的一个重要概念。这个“存在之链”对所有物质和生命的严密的层级结构进行了详细的解释,并且认为这些层级结构都是由上帝所指明的,上帝位于层级结构的最高地位,人类居其中。
  23. lustre [ˈlʌstə(r)] n. 光泽,光彩
  24. drooping [druːpɪŋ] adj. 下垂的,无力的
  25. parasite [ˈpærəsaɪt] n. 寄生虫
  26. disrupt [dɪsˈrʌpt] vt. 使分裂
  27. ebb and flow:潮起潮落;盛衰,消长
  28. consummate [kənˈsʌmət] adj. 完美的,圆满的,至上的
  29. Miracle Mart:奇幻超市,加拿大一家著名的折扣连锁超市;mart [mɑː(r)t] n. 商业中心,市场
  30. glitzy [ˈɡlɪtsɪ] adj. 闪光的,耀眼的
  31. Dick Tracy:迪克·特蕾西,电影《至尊神探》(Dick Tracy)中的女主角
  32. titillate [ˈtɪtɪleɪt] vt.刺激(味觉, 想象等);使兴奋、活跃或愉快
  33. palate [ˈpælət] n. 味觉,嗜好
  34. delicacy [ˈdelɪkəsɪ] n. 美味佳肴
  35. crave [kreɪv] vt. 恳求,渴望
  36. gratification [ˌɡrætɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 满意
  37. scrawny [ˈskrɔːnɪ] adj. 瘦脊的,骨瘦如柴的
  38. pale [peɪl] vi. 相形见绌;相形失色
  39. portend [pɔː(r)ˈtend] vt. 预示
