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勇往直前 Straight to the Top(2)

ens, a turkey, two guinea pigs22), and a tortoise. But my favorite was my pet Mona monkey, Georgie. She was 7 days old when she came to us. Her mother had been killed by hunters. I remember feeding her with a baby's bottle. The size of a kitten23), she'd rested in the pockets of my sundresses and I'd take her all over town.

  I guess it was Georgie who got me climbing. I followed her up every tree in our village. When I was 8, just before we left Africa, Georgie was killed by a snakebite. I think about her during my climbing competitions. As silly as it sounds, Georgie taught me a lot about climbing. I guess she taught me to be fearless.

  Queen of the Mountain   山之女王

  But I'm not feeling so fearless now. Not as I hang suspended24) from the side of El Capitan, with the wind beating against my body.

  The weather changes as you climb up a mountain. You start out in the baking sun, wearing little more than a tank top25) and shorts. Then, you climb another pitch26)—100 feet and suddenly the wind picks up. You quickly pull on sweat pants27) and a fleece28) shirt. You carry you clothes and food and gear29) on your back as you climb. Dinner is usually just a mashed30) bagel31) with peanut butter. And my bed is a two-foot-wide ledge32). I sleep tied to the mountain but, one morning, I woke up with my legs dangling33) off the side of the ledge.

  The Final Stretch   最后一搏

  Come on, Tori, I tell myself. Think less, climb more. My hands are cut from the rock's sharp edges. Bruises34) and scratches35) run down my legs. Every muscle in my body aches. But in three-and-a-half-days—half a day ahead of schedule—I pull myself to the top of mountain. My dad is waiting for me. I fall into his arms. I'm dog-tired36), but I have never felt such a sense of accomplishment37). I did it! Me, Tori Allen, the youngest female to ever summit El Capitan!

  Climbers who make it to the top of El Capitan sign a guest book and place a stone on large rock pile. Tossing my stone on that pile was one of the happiest moments of my life.

  Work and School   工作与学习

  Climbing is a huge part of my life right now. I train four times a week. And I compete so much that I have to get special permission to e-mail my homework.

  I like high school, but it's a real scene. It's all who-is-hanging-out-with-who. I have always been cool hanging out with the guys. In fact, I'm the only girl on the boys' track team38). I love to pole vault39), but schools in Indiana don't offer girls' pole-vaulting. So I just joined the boys' team.

  I won't climb forever. I'd love to go to the Olympics. They don't have rock climbing yet, so I'm focusing on pole-vaulting. I want to go to college and have a family and be a kindergarten teacher. My parents have always encouraged me to follow my dreams. And that's what I tell other young girls: Don't give up. If I can make it to the top of the mountain, you can too.

  1. gust [^Qst] n. (雨、声、烟、火等的)一阵突发
  2. El Capitan: 埃尔卡皮坦岩壁,海拔约九百米,位于美国约塞米蒂国家公园内,约塞米蒂谷之北,是世界上攀岩者最喜欢挑战的地方之一。
  3. Yosemite [jEu5semItI] n. (美国加利福尼亚州中部)约塞米蒂国家公园
  4. callus [5kAlEs] vi. 结硬皮,生老茧
  5. slender [5slendE(r)] adj. 纤细的,细长的
  6. a whole lot: [用于强调]许多
  7. X Game: 极限运动
  8. race up: 向上奔,冲上
  9. DJ: disk jockey的缩略, <口> (广播或电视台的)流行音乐唱片播音员
  10. territory [5terItErI] n. (活动、知识、思想等的)范围,领域
  11. padding [5pAdIN] n. (软性的)垫料,衬料
  12. pound [paund] vi. 连续重击
  13. for dear life: (或for one's life) 拼命地
  14. dumb luck: 不费多少心思和力气得来的好运,不应得的好运
  15. ballerina [7bAlE5ri:nE] n. (尤指演主角或独舞的)芭蕾舞女演员
  16. figure skater: 花样滑冰运动员
  17. stumble [5stQmbl] vi. 偶然遇到,碰巧找到(on, upon, onto, across)
  18. astound [E5staund] vt. 使震惊;使惊骇,使大惊
  19. missionary [5mIFEnErI] n. 传教士
  20. cement [sI5ment] n. 水泥
  21. property [5prCpEtI] n. (包括工地上所建房屋在内的)地产,房地产;花园住宅
  22. guinea pig: 【动】豚鼠,天竺鼠
  23. kitten [5kItEn] n. 小猫;幼小动物(如小兔等)
  24. suspend [sE5spend] vt. 悬,挂,吊
  25. tank top: (紧身的)短背心
  26. pitch [pItF] n. (鹰扑向猎物等的)高度;<喻>程度,强度;极点,顶点
  27. sweat pants: [复] n. <主美> (尤指运动员运动前后保暖穿的)宽松长运动裤
  28. fleece [fli:s] n. 羊毛制的覆盖物,柔软的覆盖物
  29. gear [^IE(r)] n. 工具,用具;设备,装置
  30. mash [mAF] vt. 把……捣成糊状
  31. bagel [5beI^El] n. <美> 硬面包圈,贝果面包
  32. ledge [ledV] n. 岩架,岩石突出部,岩脊
  33. dangle [5dAN^l] vi. 垂着摆动,悬荡;
  34. bruise [bru:z] n. (人体跌、碰后产生的)青肿,挫伤
  35. scratch [skrAtF] n. 划痕,刮痕,擦痕
  36. dog-tired [5dC^5taIEd] adj. <口> 极度疲乏的,累极了的
  37. accomplishment [E5kCmplIFmEnt] n. 成就;成绩
  38. track team: 田径队
  39. pole vault: 【体】撑杆跳高(项目)

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