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印记 Henry(2)

llowing the completion of the job, I overheard Stephen on the phone, “I’ll be there in about an hour or so.”
  “Who was that?” I asked when he hung up.
  “That was Henry Foster.”
  “I thought you were finished with his job.”
  “Well, not exactly,” he answered with a sly smile. “I pretended to forget a few things at his house. I just wanted an excuse to go back. See how he’s doing and all.”
  I gave him a 13)crushing hug.
  “You are just the sweetest thing.”
  “Oh, hush.”


  Stephen continued making excuses to visit Henry until he ran out of excuses. He began visiting his friend just for the sake of visiting. Not long after his last visit to Henry, the early arrival of our first baby steered our lives in a different direction, then another baby ten months later 14)eclipsed our social calendar. Everything outside our home became secondary, including a sweet old man named Henry Foster.

  As we immersed ourselves into our family, the years rolled by. We had two more babies, and our house demanded our full attention to accommodate our burgeoning family. Our priorities shifted. Guilt bubbled up every now and then when we took a moment to inventory our collection and reminisce about the time we bought a particular piece. Stephen would sigh and say, “I wonder how the old guy is doing.”

  One Sunday we filled up our gas tank and took to the 15)back roads, soaking up the scenery. Stephen took a sudden turn.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.
  “You’ll see.”


  He navigated 16)a myriad of streets unfamiliar to me, then slowed down in front of one particular house, a two-story structure with plastic toys littering the front yard and Christmas lights, one month out of season, still stapled to the 17)eaves. Several pecan trees arched up from behind the home, the winter sun streaming through their bare branches.

  “Who lives here, Daddy?” one of our boys 18)piped up.
  Stephen swallowed hard.
  “I knew a man who used to live here. His name was Henry Foster.”
  “Was he a nice man?”
  “Yes, Cody, he was a nice man. A very nice man.”
  “Where is he?”
  Stephen took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.
  “Well,” he finally replied, his eyes misting. “I believe he went on a long vacation with his wife.”
  Pulling from the curb, I noticed two squirrels chasing each other up one of the pecan trees.


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