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胡萝卜,一夜长大 Carrots Overnight(2)

. We measured them every morning and watered them every night. The sweet peas grew skinny 15)tendrils that stretched and looped around the stick 16)trellis we had built for them. The bean 17)stalks began to sprout small leaves. The carrots, though, seemed to 18)plateau after just 5 days. It appeared that their first initial growth 19)spurt may also have been their last.

  Weeks passed. The beans and peas were overcrowded, but they still managed to produce a few flowers. The carrots did nothing. We waited and watered. While miniature 20)pods formed on the pea 21)vines and tiny beans 22)sprang from their stalks, the carrots remained frozen in time.
  Madeline’s faith never 23)wavered. “I can’ wait until my carrots grow big,” she said, 24)munching on one of Brandon’s green beans. “We can put them all in some soup and eat it up!”
  玛德琳的信念从未动摇过。“我等不及要看我的胡萝卜长大。” 她一边说,一边大声咀嚼着布兰登的一颗青豆。“我们可以把它们全都放进某种汤里,然后统统吃光!”
  A month went by. Madeline remained diligent. She watered every night, hopeful there’d be carrots in the morning. Every morning she would check their progress.
  “No, not yet,” she would say, smiling.
  The magical thing about four-year-olds is their ability to remain optimistic, even when reality is staring them in the face and looking rather black—or, as in this case, brown and 25)wilted. Optimistic, even when their elder brother tried to 26)dash her hopes.
  4岁的孩子身上最不可思议的东西便是他们保持乐观的能力,即使当现实正摆在他们的面前,而且看起来相当黑暗——或者,像这次的事情那样,只见褐色的泥土和枯萎的苗。(编者注:文中的brown and wilted既有本意也有比喻义,译文采用的是其本意,其比喻意义为“让人沮丧、泄气”。)即使当哥哥试图挫伤她的希望时,她仍然很乐观。
  “Get real, your carrots are dead,” Brandon said. “Why water dead carrots every night?”
  “No, they’re not!” she would scream. “And I’m not going to share with you, either.”
  It was this kind of optimism that made me send my husband to the grocery store in search of carrots with stems. The next morning, when Madeline checked her garden, over a dozen enormous carrots were 27)poking up from her pot. Madeline 28)gleefully pulled out an abundant harvest.
  Madeline was so pleased with herself that I couldn’t help being pleased with myself, too. Not bad, I thought. It took some work and, 29)true, maybe a little trickery, but I’ve grown something this summer myself—30)a little crop of gardeners, children who now know the joy of growing plants, who have seen what a little faith and persistence can do, who—
  Madeline interrupted my 31)reverie.
  “Next year,” she said proudly, “I’m growing watermelons!”

  玛德琳对自己很满意,以至于我也忍不住为自己开心起来。我想,一切还不赖。付出了一些劳动,而且确切地说,或许还有一点小小的欺骗,但这个夏天,我自己已经培养出了一些东西—— 一小队园丁。他们现在是知道了种植植物的乐趣的孩子,他们看到了一点信念和一份坚持的力量,他们——

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