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steps, to college or a career, and advised others on how to write their application essays.
  Last spring, she founded TruStar Consulting, a service for parents of high-school students who want help navigating the admissions process and its attendant anxieties. Then last summer, she started a second company called Marilee Jones Consulting, through which she offers her expertise to high schools and colleges. Her Web site lists numerous endorsements22), including a quote from The Boston Globe: “the most celebrated and outspoken admissions dean in America.”
  Although Ms. Jones no longer has that title, she believes she has a right to the good side of her name. “What I did at MIT was my work,” she says.


  What’sin a Name?   名声 意味着什么?
  When Ms. Jones left MIT, many of her supporters worried that people would dismiss everything she had ever said. Among those who worried was Scott White, director of guidance at Montclair High School. Mr. White lamented23) her lie but praised her message. He urged his colleagues to remember her “vision of sanity, compassion, and concern”.
  So when Ms. Jones contacted Mr. White about the possibility of presenting at Montclair, he told her she could come. Why not?
  Then Mr. White arranged for Ms. Jones to speak at a gathering for parents of juniors. Two days before the event, Mr. White predicted that Ms. Jones would win over parents, just like the last time she spoke there, several years ago. Still, Mr. White wondered if someone would complain about Ms. Jones. After all, a curious parent might ask why—in a world full of admissions deans who have never lied about their degrees—had the school invited Ms. Jones? “It’s a bit of a risky move,” he said.
  In the end, Mr. White apparently decided it was too risky. Two nights before Ms. Jones was to speak at Montclair, he called to cancel her invitation. So Ms. Jones must wait awhile longer to face the first audience of her new life.
  Marilee Jones has reclaimed her name, but the best part is also the worst: Nobody seems to have forgotten it.

  1. fabricate [5fAbrIkeIt] vt. 捏造;伪造(文件等)
  2. credential [krI5denFEl] n. 文凭
  3. project [5prCdVekt] vt. 投射(热、声、光、影等)
  4. resonate [5rezEneIt] vi. 回响;回荡
  5. Cambridge [5keImbrIdV] n. 坎布里奇,美国马萨诸塞州东部城市,麻省理工学院的所在地
  6. shovel [5FQvEl] vt. 用铲挖出
  7. disciplinarian [7dIsIplI5neErIEn] n. 厉行纪律的人
  8. EKG machine:心电图仪(Electrocardiogram machine)
  9. Diane von Furstenberg:黛安·冯·芙丝汀宝(1946~),俄罗斯犹太裔设计师,曾被《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)贯以“纽约时装皇后”的美誉。文中此处指黛安于1973年创建的同名品牌。
  10. screw up:弄糟,搞砸,铸下大错
  11. top-of-one’s-head:由美国习惯用语“off the top of one’s head”而来,表示“不假思索的,未经仔细考虑的”。
  12. alumnus [E5lQmnEs] ([复] -ni [-naI]) n. (男)校友,(男)毕业生
  13. barricade [7bArI5keId] vt. 使躲在路障(或挡墙)等后面
  14. spine [spaIn] n. [解] 脊柱,脊椎
  15. vet [vet] vt. 审查,审核
  16. arrhythmia [E5rITmIE] n. [医] 心律不齐, 心律失常
  17. sought-after:很吃香的,广受欢迎的
  18. sanity [5sAnEtI] n. 心智健全
  19. cut corners:抄近路
  20. bogus [5bEu^Es] adj. 〈美〉假的,伪造的
  21. own up to:坦白,承认错误
  22. endorsement [In5dC:smEnt] n. 赞同,支持,认可
  23. lament [lE5ment] vt. 为……感到遗憾

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