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非凡的另一半 The Twin Flame


  I have been told of a twin flame, meant to be the highest form of love. You share love with someone who 1)resonates on the same 2)vibration as your soul: you think alike, feel alike, desire similar things, almost as if you were twins, because 3)in essence, you are.
  The thing is, I truly know what that is like. Growing up as a twin was 4)uncanny. There were times when my brother John seemed to know my thoughts, speaking 5)simultaneously with me or finishing my sentences. We still had our own lives though, and, at 21, I left home and got married.
  Three months later I was rushed into hospital to have my 6)appendix removed. Next morning I was amazed at how little pain I’d felt. “How are you?” John asked when he visited. “I’m fabulous,” I said and then I peered at him. He looked pale and 7)drawn. “But you don’t look so great. What’s up?” “I had awful stomach 8)cramps last night and kept 9)vomiting,” he replied. “They only lasted an hour and the doctor said there’s nothing wrong. It’s a complete mystery.”
  Suddenly a thought hit me. “What time did you start feeling sick?” I asked him. “Nine o’clock.” “But that’s the exact time I started my operation,” I cried. “And it only lasted one hour.” For a moment we were totally 10)spooked. But we shrugged it off as a coincidence and forgot about it.
The Twin Flame  Then I became pregnant. I didn’t suffer 11)morning sickness and the 12)labour was an easy one. John came to visit me in hospital. Again, he looked 13)as sick as a dog and explained that earlier that morning, he’d been struck with terrible back and stomach pains. “It was unbearable,” John added. “Then, when I found out you were in labour…” I sat up. “Are you saying that you suffered my labour pains?” He nodded. “Strange, isn’t it?”
  After that, we read studies about twins and discovered it wasn’t unheard of for one twin to feel the other’s pain. “Please don’t have any more children,” John begged me. “I can’t go through all that again!” “Sorry,” I told him as 14)nature took its course and I fell pregnant twice more. I didn’t know whether to feel pleased or sorry when, again, it was a15)breeze for me, but John suffered terribly.
  We seemed to share an 16)inherent understanding of each other’s emotional state. We would find that we performed similar actions when we were apart, such as buying the same item, or picking up the phone to make a call at the exact same moment. Most recently, during a phone chat, we discovered that we ordered the same meal, in the same restaurant, on the same day. We both were surprised! Aside from that, I had a sensation of “something being wrong” when he was in crisis. We experienced this during a trip to a17)pleasure ground whenever we were five years old. During an evening shopping trip, the family split up. Mother headed in one direction with me while Father remained in a store to complete a purchase. John was lost. I felt very agitated, pushing Mother to “Hurry, hurry” to search for John. Then, abruptly, a sense of relief crept into my consciousness and I let out an 18)audible sigh of relief. Later my parents told me that my change in personality coincided exactly with the moment Father discovered John! I couldn’t help but wonder if he, as opposed to my husband, was my real significant half. Not just because we had the same experience, but most importantly, because we helped each other to heal, grow and learn. And I was often amazed by that.

  I have had many soul mates throughout my life. But John is more than a soul mate to me. Together, we help each other to remain in the space of unconditional love. We create with one another; we share the deepest love imaginable. Then, we share these creation and love with our families.
