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从此,他们过上了幸福的生活 And They All Lived Happily Ever After

他们从此过上了幸福的生活  “And they all lived happily ever after.” That’s the classic ending for every fairytale story. Poor Cinderella sheds a few tears because she can’t go to the ball, but has she tried going for five days without food? Then she’d really have something to cry about. Dear Sleeping Beauty has a spell put on her that causes her to slumber away[以睡觉消磨] in bed for years to come; but at least she has a bed. At least she has a Prince Charming that will wake her up from her world of sleep. If I ever decided to go to sleep for a while, would anyone wake me up?
  My name is Sofia, and I am 14 years old. I was 11 when my dad left, breaking my mother’s heart. I was 12 when she was diagnosed with depression and 13 when she decided that she could not look after my five-year-old brother James and me. She packed our clothes into a bag, with a little bit of money and a note that pleaded for us to be cared for. She then drove us to the nearest bus stop and left us there. She did not take us to an adoption agency, in fear of being locked up in a mental hospital for her severe depression. She told us that she did it out of love.
  For days we waited and waited, getting hungrier and thirstier, and the time went on. Finally someone stopped and read the note. It was an elderly woman with greying hair and kind eyes. Her voice and face were as soft as velvet[天鹅绒] and she had an air about her that was trustworthy and honest. She would have been perfect to look after us; we would have gladly gone with her. There was one problem though, she was a widow and when her husband died she went broke and barely had enough money to get by.
  Two young children who needed schooling was not something she could afford. She was kind-hearted though and offered to drive us to the nearest orphanage.
  We eagerly agreed as we were beginning to feel our empty stomachs and dry throats. She left us there, wishing us a happy life. We wished her the same and then turned to face what would soon become our hell.


  The orphanage was awful. The mistresses treated us as slaves, cooking, washing, and cleaning for them while they went about their business drinking tea and buying expensive items. Every day we prayed for our mother to come back and get us, believing that she still loved us and that this institution was only temporary[暂时的].
  We believed she would recover and reclaim[要求归还] us as her children. I even managed to leave a note on her doorstep during one of the few outings that the orphanage took us on. I snuck away[溜掉] and shoved[猛推] the letter through the mail box after a quick peep confirming that she still lived there. Why did I not ring the bell, you may ask? Much later I was still asking myself this question. I believe I was simply unprepared for this type of confrontation[对峙] and wished her to make the move to collect us.
  We started to wonder whether or not she had received the letter. Had it gotten lost, or stepped on? Maybe it was under a doormat, hidden from her eyes. On our next outing I planned to go again, but that’s when I saw her. She was wandering through the stalls[货摊] of the daily market. I was about to call out and then stopped. From behind her appeared a man I knew too well. The counselor[顾问] who she had seen daily when we were with her. It was that moment that I realized we had been blind. She had never loved us, never wanted us.
  The next day we left the orphanage and ran away. There was no longer a reason to stay, no reason to suffer. Our “mother” was never coming to get us, to rescue us and protect us once more.

  第二天,我们离开了孤儿院,逃跑了。再也没有留在那儿的理由了,也不需要再受苦了。我们的“母亲”永远都不会来接我们,拯救我们, 保护我们。

  For the first time in our lives, excluding our two days at the bus stop, we were well and truly alone. We knew the orphanage would not even set up a search party. We could not seek help, for we would most certainly be turned over to the orphanage once more. What would we do for food and water? While pondering[考虑] these questions, the now-six-year-old James piped up with[开始说] the idea that we cross the busy main street to reach the park on the other side. It solved many problems for us. It provided shelter[庇护] from the harsh elements and a soft place to sleep. There was a little alcove[凹室] under a bridge, it would be a perfect sleeping spot for us.
  This park had a bubbler[喷水式饮水口] to provide water. We would have to find another way to locate our food, but this would do for now. The leafy green of the park was so inviting. We were free-spirited[无忧无虑的] and happy as we made our way towards it. After looking carefully both ways we stepped onto the street, preparing to cross. James cracked a joke that was so funny it made me laugh out loud. I was laughing so hard and James was so engrossed[使全神贯注] in the sound of my laughter, a sound he didn’t hear very often, that we did not see the truck come spinning around the corner on its massive eight wheels. We did not hear it until it was too late and the brakes were screeching[发出刺耳的声音] and protesting, sending a smell of burnt rubber into the air. I knew we had no chance, it was coming too fast and we were too close. My last thought was to shove James as hard as I could in the direction of the footpath, not caring if this hurt him. He would be hurting a lot more from the impact of what was coming. In the next second I was hit by said impact, turning everything to an inky[墨水的] black as I faded out of consciousness.
  I watched as the truck slammed into[重重地撞上] my sister, the impact sending her flying. If she hadn’t thrown me aside, maybe she could have saved herself. I looked toward the park at the happy picture painted there, where we were going to live, breathe, and laugh. Our happily ever after. I remember our Dad used to read us fairytales before we went to sleep. Cinderella and Snow White were always my sister’s favorites. Was there a happy ending for everyone? Would we have a happy ending eventually? I realize now though, in the real world, there is no happily ever after. That does not happen in real life. Everybody dies in the end. Whether it is as suddenly as my sister Sofia, or gradually with old age, everybody dies. How is that a happy ending? As I gazed at my sister’s still form lying on the road, in that fraction[小部分] of time before people started to panic, I embraced the fact that that magical world of happily ever after was just too far away.

