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幸福有公式? What Makes Us Happy?(2)

using alcohol, some exercise, and healthy weight. Of the 106 Harvard men who had five or six of these factors in their favor at age 50, half ended up at 80 as what Vaillant called “happy-well” and only 7.5 percent as “sad-sick.” Meanwhile, of the men who had three or fewer of the health factors at age 50, none ended up “happy-well” at 80.

  Vaillant’s other main interest was the power of relationships. “It is social 31)aptitude,” he writes, “not intellectual brilliance or parental social class that leads to successful aging.” Warm connections are necessary—and if not found in a mother or father they can come from siblings, friends, or mentors. The men’s relationships at age 47, he found, predicted late-life adjustment better than any other 32)variable, except defenses. Good sibling relationships seem especially powerful: 93 percent of the men who were thriving at age 65 had been close to a brother or sister when younger. In an interview in the March 2008 newsletter to the Grant Study subjects, Vaillant was asked, “What have you learned from the Grant Study men?” Vaillant’s response: “That the only thing that really matters in life is your relationships to other people.”

  The bookstore shelves are lined with titles about “happiness”, such as 33)Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment and 34)The How of Happiness. But what does it mean, really, to be happier? Of course, happiness scientists have come up with all kinds of straightforward and actionable findings: That money does little to make us happier once our basic needs are met; that marriage and faith lead to happiness (or it could be that happy people are more likely to be married and spiritual); that35)temperamental “36)set points” for happiness—a 37)predisposition to stay at a certain level of happiness—account for a large, but not overwhelming, percentage of our well-being. Perhaps, I thought, the key to the good life lies not in rules to follow, nor problems to avoid, but in an engaged humility, an earnest acceptance of life’s pains and promises.


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