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老师的故事 The Teacher Story

By Babara Glanz 芭芭拉.葛兰芝
Excerpted from the Truths of Appreciation

Kim's Note:
   We are living in materialistic times .Giving elaborate or expensive gifts to show appreciation is an accepted practice all over the world .This story is a beautiful reminder of how deeply appreciated simple words of thanks can be .Chocolate is quickly eaten, cigarettes smoked, even jewelry is easily lost or broken, but words are everlasting .Give someone you appreciate this gift. Share your words of thanks.


   In my keynote speeches and workshops, Care is an acronym I use for the elements of a caring, creative, joyful workplace and home .The "A" in CARE stand for "Appreciation for ALL”

   在我的主题演讲和专题讨论会中,我用单词“care"作为首字母缩略词。涵盖了“关爱”、“创造”和“愉快的工作环境和幸福的家庭”等各个要素。单词“Care "中的字母“A"代表着“感激一切”。

   As I speak about appreciation, I use this quote by Albert Schweitzer.


   "Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being .Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light ."

   “有时候, 我们心中的火焰熄灭了。但当我们遇到另一个人时,它又会再次燃烧起来。每一个人都应当对那些重燃我们内心火焰的人心怀最深的感激。”

    Then I ask my audiences to please shut their eyes and think someone, who at some time in their lives has rekindled their inner light. I leave the room in silence for several minutes, and it is always a profound experience as they remember the JOY they received from being appreciated by someone when they needed it the most.


   Afterwards, I ask them to write down the name of the person they thought of and to commit to their own act of appreciation __ letting that person know in the next 72 hours that he or she was thought of.  I suggest a phone call, a note, or even a little prayer if they are no longer living.


    One afternoon nearly two and a half months I received a call from him .He was choked up on the phone he could hardly get through his story .He said that it had taken him nearly two months to track his teacher down, and when he finally found her, he wrote to her.



   Dear John,

     You will never know how much your letter meant to me .I am 83 years old, and I am living all alone in one room .My friends are all gone .My family's gone .I taught 50 years and yours is the first "thank you "letter I have ever gotten form a student .Sometimes I wonder what I did with my life .I will read and reread your letter until the day I die.



   He just sobbed on the phone .He said, “She is always the one we talk about at every reunion .She was everyone's favorite teacher __we loved her! But no one had ever told her ...until she received this letter.”


  Thank someone who has touched your life ....Today!

