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幽默之我见(节选) Humor as I See It

  Stephen Butler Leacock(斯蒂芬·巴特勒·里柯克,1869—1944),加拿大著名的幽默作家,也是加拿大第一位享有世界声誉的作家。在美国,他被认为是继马克·吐温之后最受人欢迎的幽默作家。他出生于英格兰汉普郡的斯旺穆尔,6岁时随父母迁居加拿大并在那里接受教育。1891年他从多伦多大学毕业后当了8年中学教员;1899年,他进入美国芝加哥大学攻读经济学与政治学;1903年获得政治经济学的哲学博士学位,并开始在加拿大麦吉尔大学任教,先后担任政治学讲师等职;1936年,他从教学岗位上退下来,担任该校的名誉教授。

Stephen Butler Leacock  Until two weeks ago I might have taken my pen in hand to write about humour with the confident air of an 1)acknowledged professional. But that time is past. Such claim as I had has been taken from me. In fact I stand unmasked. An English reviewer writing in a literary journal, the very name of which is enough to put contradiction to sleep, has said of my writing, “What is there, after all, in Professor Leacock's humour but a rather ingenious mixture of 2)hyperbole and 3)myosis?”
  The man was right. How he 4)stumbled upon this trade secret I do not know. But I am willing to admit, since the truth is out, that it has long been my custom in preparing an article of a humorous nature to go down to the cellar and mix up half a gallon of myosis with a pint of hyperbole. If I want to give the article a 5)decidedly literary character, I find it well to put in about half a pint of 6)paresis. The whole thing is amazingly simple. But I only mention this by way of introduction and to7)dispel any idea that I am 8)conceited enough to write about humour, with the professional authority of [1]Ella Wheeler Wilcox writing about love, or [2]Eva Tanguay talking about dancing.
  All that I dare claim is that I have as much sense of humour as other people. And, oddly enough, I notice that everybody else makes this same claim. Any man will admit, if need be, that his sight is not good, or that he cannot swim, or shoots badly with a rifle, but to touch upon his sense of humour is to give him a mortal 9)affront.
  “No,” said a friend of mine the other day, “I never go to Grand Opera,” and then he added with an air of pride, “You see, I have absolutely no ear for music.”
  “You don't say so!” I exclaimed.
  “None!” he went on. “I can't tell one tune from another. I can't tell whether a man is tuning a violin or playing a sonata.”


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