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“好女孩”的紧箍咒(节选) The Curse of the Good Girl (Excerpt)(2)

pt: a golfer, avid volunteer, and staff writer for the school newspaper. But, she told me:

  “When I’d go to school, a switch went on. Time to be Mia that everyone wants to be friends with...like everyone loves me, I don’t do bad things, I’m just Miss Perfect. My parents love me. I do all the activities that everyone wants to do. If my teachers ask me to do something, I’ll do it. One of those pleasing people.”

  Good Girl pressure threw a “switch” and split Mia’s personality. It was as if, she told me, “I had two identities.” To be Good, Mia had to project a false self to the world, acting one way in public and another way in private. She would behave one way to someone’s face and another way behind her back; one way in person, another way online.

  Psychologist Roni Cohen-Sandler observed a 16)spike in stress levels and psychological crises among girls who, she writes, are “17)prone to becoming 18)estranged from their inner lives...[They] are so busy living up to others’ expectations that they either don’t develop or eventually 19)relinquish their own goals. They are so focused on achieving external 20)emblems of success that they don’t get the chance to figure out what really excites them and gives them pleasure. They barely know who they are or who they want to become.”

  At what price is success? Many of the most accomplished girls are disconnecting from the truest parts of themselves, sacrificing essential self-knowledge to the pressure of who they think they ought to be.

  The curse is not confined to overachievers or to girls’ external pursuits. The pressure to be Good runs deep into the core of the self, 21)circumscribing a girl’s ability to know, express, and accept her most challenging feelings.

  Placed 22)at odds with their most important feelings, many do not develop the skills to speak their minds when they need to, or the skin to endure the claims of someone else. Lacking a full emotional vocabulary or the permission to use it, some girls turn inward, 23)ruminating self-destructively. Others become explosive, able to 24)articulate little more than anger and frustration. The psychological muscles a girl uses to manage difficult feelings begin to 25)atrophy. Emotional intelligence is compromised, 26)stunting healthy self-expression: the more Good girls try to be, the more they must 27)discredit themselves. These toxic lessons in relationship and conflict management follow many girls into adulthood.

  To be absolutely kind and selfless is impossible, making Good a finish line girls never get to cross. As a result, girls who 28)aspire to Goodness are ruthlessly hard on themselves. When the standards for selfhood are beyond reach, self-acceptance is futile. Girls become their own worst enemies. The terms of being an acceptable girl are 29)rigged: Good Girls are doomed to fail.

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