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一辈子做女孩 Eat, Pray, Love

  囊括2007年美国六大主流媒体图书排行榜的销售冠军,红透全球的女性心灵励志小说——《Eat, Pray, Love》(《一辈子做女孩》)出场了!
  小说是作者的亲身实录。作者Elizabeth Gilbert(伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特)是美国小说家和新闻记者,在经过了一个惨痛的离婚历程之后,思索到底女人的人生价值在哪里?她在三个不同国度之间寻找自己——(Eat)到意大利品尝美食,在感官满足中治疗伤痛;(Pray)在印度与瑜伽士交流,洗涤混乱的身心;(Love)在印尼巴厘岛上,她寻得了身心的平衡。

Written and Read by Elizabeth Gilbert
美式发音 适合泛听

  When I was 9 years old going on 10, I experienced a true 1)metaphysical crisis. Maybe this seems young for such a thing, but I was always a 2)precocious child. It all happened over the summer between 4th and 5th grade. I was going to be turning 10 years old in July and there was something about this 3)transition from 9 to 10, from single-digit to double-digit, that shocked me into a 4)genuine existential panic usually reserved for people turning 50. I remember that life was passing me by so fast. It seemed like only yesterday I was in kindergarten and here I was, about to turn 10. Soon I would be a teen-ager and then middle-aged and then elderly and then dead. And soon everybody else would be dead too. My parents would die, my friends would die, my cat would die.
Elizabeth Gilbert  在我还是九岁快要十岁的时候,我经历了一场真正意义上的形而上学的危机。也许这样的事情对九岁的小孩来说还是为时过早,但我一直都很早熟。“危机”发生在我即将升上五年级的那个夏天。那年七月,我就要满十岁了。这九岁到十岁之间的过渡——从单位数成为双位数——震荡了我的心灵,让我陷入一种真正的存在惊恐之中,而这种恐惧往往是迈入知命之年的人才有的。我还记得,生命在我身上流逝得太快了,仿佛昨日我还是上幼儿园的懵懂孩童,但彼时,我即将迎来人生的第十个年头。很快,我又要步入青少年时期,然后是中年,老年,然后就要死去。很快,其他人也要告别这个世界。我的父母终会离世,我的朋友,还有我的猫也是一样。

  My sense of helplessness was 5)overwhelming. What I wanted to do was pull some massive emergency brake on the universe, like the brakes I’d seen on the subways during our school trip to New York City. I wanted to call a timeout and demand that everything just stop until I could understand it. I suppose this urge to force the entire universe to stop in its tracks until I could get a grip on my thoughts might have been the beginning of what dear friends of mine have called my “control issues.” Of course my efforts and worry were 6)futile. The closer I watched time the faster it 7)spun, and that Summer went by so quickly that it made my head hurt, and at the end of every day I remember thinking, “another one gone” and bursting into tears.

  This sadness is one of the great 8)trials of the human experiment. As far as we know we’re the only species on the planet who have been given the gift, or the curse perhaps, of awareness about our own 9)mortality. Everything here eventually dies. We’re the lucky ones who get to think about this fact every day, and how are you going to cope with this information. When I was 9, I couldn’t do a thing about it except cry. Later over the years, my 10)hypersensitive awareness of time’s speed led me to push myself to experience life at maximum pace. If I were going to have such a short visit on Earth, I had to do everything possible to experience it now. Hence, all the traveling, all the romances, all the ambition, all the 11)pasta.

一辈子做女孩 Eat, Pray, Love 电影版剧照  When I told one friend of mine back in New York City that I was going to India to live in an 12)ashram and search for 13)divinity, he sighed and said, “Oh, there’s a part of me that so wishes that I wanted to do that, but I really have no desire for it whatsoever.”

  And I don’t know that I have much choice though. I have searched 14)frantically for 15)contentment for so many years in so many ways and all these 16)acquisitions; they run you down in the end. Life, if you keep chasing it so hard, will drive you to death. You have to let go and sit still and allow contentment to approach you. Letting go, of course, is a scary 17)enterprise for those of us who believe that the world 18)revolves only because it has a handle on the top of it, which we ourselves personally turn, and that if we were to drop this handle for even one moment, well, that would be the end of the universe.

  But try dropping it. This is the message I’m getting in India; sit quietly for now and cease your relentless 19)participation and watch what happens. The birds do not crash to head out of the sky after all in mid-flight, the trees do not 20)wither and die, the rivers do not run red with blood, life continues to go on, even the Italian Post Office will keep 21)limping along doing its own thing without you. Why are you so sure that your micro-management of every moment in this whole world is so 22)essential? Why don’t you let it be? I hear this argument and it appeals to me. I believe in it 23)intellectually. I really do. But then I wonder, with all my 24)restless 25)yearning, and with all my 26)hyped-up fervor and this stupidly hungry nature of mine, what should I do with my energy instead. That answer is arriving too; look for God. Look for God like a man with his head on fire looks for water.
