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理想的丈夫 An Ideal Husband(2)

and give them this scandal and the proofs of it! Think of their 25)loathsome joy, of the delight they would have in dragging you down, of the mud and 26)mire they would plunge you in. Think of the hypocrite with his 27)greasy smile 28)penning his 29)leading article, and arranging the 30)foulness of the public 31)placard.
  Sir Robert Chiltern: Stop! You want me to withdraw the report and to make a short speech stating that I believe there are possibilities in the scheme?
  Mrs. Cheveley: [sitting down on the sofa] Those are my 32)terms.

  罗伯特•奇尔顿爵士: 你的提议是决不可能办到的。
  彻弗利夫人: 你必须办到。你要使它办得到。罗伯特爵士,你很了解你们英国的报纸是怎样的。假设我一离开这栋房子,就让马车去到某家报馆,向他们抖出这桩丑闻并提供证据!想想看他们会怎样的幸灾乐祸,那种即将把你拉下台的兴奋,还有他们要把你拖进去的烂泥潭。想想看那肥头大耳的伪君子如何奸笑着撰写社论,并安排张贴布告公布你的丑行。
  罗伯特•奇尔顿爵士: 够了!你是要我撤回报告,然后发表一个简短的声明,说我认为你那个计划有希望成功,对吗?
  彻弗利夫人: (在沙发上坐下)那些正是我的条件。

  Sir Robert Chiltern: [in a low voice] I will give you any sum of money you want.
  Mrs. Cheveley: Even you are not rich enough, Sir Robert, to buy back your past. No man is.
  Sir Robert Chiltern: I will not do what you ask me. I will not.
  Mrs. Cheveley: You have to. If you don’t... [rises from the sofa]
  Sir Robert Chiltern: [bewildered and 33)unnerved] Wait a moment! What did you propose? You said that you would give me back my letter, didn’t you?
  Mrs. Cheveley: Yes. That is agreed. I will be in 34)the Ladies’ Gallery tomorrow night at half-past eleven. If by that time—and you will have had 35)heaps of opportunity—you have made an announcement to the House in the terms I wish, I shall hand you back your letter with the prettiest thanks, and the best, or at any rate the most suitable, compliment I can think of…
  Sir Robert Chiltern: You must let me have time to consider your proposal. Give me a week—three days!
  Mrs. Cheveley: No, you must settle now! I have got to telegraph to 36)Vienna tonight. [moves towards the door]
  Sir Robert Chiltern: Don’t go. I consent. The report shall be withdrawn. I will arrange for a question to be put to me on the subject.
  Mrs. Cheveley: Thank you. I knew we should come to an 37)amicable agreement. I understood your nature from the first. I analyzed you, though you did not adore me. And now you can get my carriage for me, Sir Robert.
  [Exit Sir Robert Chiltern.] …

  罗伯特•奇尔顿爵士: (压低声音)我可以给你一笔钱,数目由你定。
  彻弗利夫人: 罗伯特爵士,即便是你,也没有富到可以买回你的过去的地步。谁都没有那么富有。
  罗伯特•奇尔顿爵士: 我不会听任你摆布的。不会的。
  彻弗利夫人: 你别无选择。如果你拒绝……(从沙发上起身)
  罗伯特•奇尔顿爵士: (不知所措且慌张的)等一下!你刚才怎么提议的?你说你会把我的信还给我,是吗?
  彻弗利夫人: 是的,就这么说定了。明天晚上11点半我会在下院的妇女旁听席恭候。假如在那时之前,你在议院按我的条件作了发言——你有大把机会那样做,那我就会满怀感激地把信交还给你,并向你致以我能想到的最好的,或者至少是最恰当的赞美。……
  罗伯特•奇尔顿爵士: 你得给我时间考虑一下你的提议。给我一周时间——三天!
  彻弗利夫人: 不行,你现在就得作决定!我今晚还得给维也纳那边发电报。(向门口走去)
  罗伯特•奇尔顿爵士: 别走。我同意。原报告会被撤回。我将安排好在该项目上我会被问到的问题。
  彻弗利夫人: 谢谢你!我早知道我们会达成友好协议的。我从一开始就深知你的本性。我分析过你,虽然你不见得喜欢我。好了,现在你可以帮我叫马车了,罗伯特爵士。

  奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde,1854—1900),19世纪末英国唯美派剧作家、诗人、小说家和文学批评家,英国唯美主义艺术运动的倡导者。

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