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海底两万里 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea


 英式发音 适合泛读
  Chapter Six At Full Steam (Excerpt)
  第六章 开足马力(节选)
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea  At two cable’s lengths from the Abraham Lincoln, on the starboard quarter, the sea seemed to be 1)illuminated all over. It was not a mere 2)phosphoric phenomenon. The monster emerged some fathoms from the water, and then threw out a very intense but 3)inexplicable light mentioned in the report of several captains. This magnificent 4)irradiation must have been produced by an agent of great shining power. The 5)luminous part traced on the sea an immense oval, much 6)elongated, the centre of which condensed a burning heat, whose overpowering brilliancy died out by successive 7)gradations.
  A general cry arose from the 8)frigate.
  “Silence!” said the captain. “Up with the helm, reverse the engines.”
  The steam was shut off, and the Abraham Lincoln, beating to port, described a semicircle.
  “Right the helm, go ahead,” cried the captain.
  These orders were executed, and the frigate moved rapidly from the burning light.
  She tried to sheer off, but the supernatural animal approached with a 9)velocity double her own.
  We gasped for breath. 10)Stupefaction more than fear made us dumb and motionless. The animal gained on us, sporting with the waves. It made the round of the frigate, which was then making 14 knots, and enveloped it with its electric rings like luminous dust.
  Then it moved away two or three miles, leaving a 11)phosphorescent track, like those volumes of steam that the express trains leave behind. All at once from the dark line of the horizon 12)whither it retired to gain its momentum, the monster rushed suddenly towards the Abraham Lincoln with alarming 13)rapidity, stopped suddenly about 20 feet from the hull, and died out—not diving under the water, for its brilliancy did not 14)abate—but suddenly, and as if the source of this brilliant emanation was exhausted. Then it reappeared on the other side of the vessel, as if it had turned and slid under the hull. Any moment a collision might have occurred which would have been fatal to us. However, I was astonished at the 15)manoeuvres of the frigate. She fled and did not attack.
  Towards two o’clock in the morning, the burning light reappeared, no less intense, about five miles to 16)windward of the Abraham Lincoln. 17)Notwithstanding the distance, and the noise of the wind and the sea, one heard distinctly the loud strokes of the animal’s tail, and even its panting breath. It seemed that, at the moment that the enormous 18)narwhal had come to take breath at the surface of the water, the air was engulfed in its lungs, like the steam of the vast 19)cylinders of a machine of two thousand horse-power.
  At eight o’clock the fog lay heavily on the waves, and its thick scrolls rose little by little. The horizon grew wider and clearer at the same time.
  The frigate approached noiselessly, stopped at two-cables-length from the animal, and following its track. No one breathed; a deep silence reigned on the bridge. We were not a hundred feet from the burning focus, the light of which increased and dazzled our eyes.
  At this moment, leaning on the forecastle bulwark, I saw below me Ned Land grappling the martingale in one hand, 20)brandishing his terrible 21)harpoon in the other, scarcely 20 feet from the motionless animal. Suddenly his arm straightened, and the harpoon was thrown; I heard the 22)sonorous stroke of the weapon, which seemed to have struck a hard body. The electric light went out suddenly, and two enormous waterspouts broke over the bridge of the frigate, rushing like a torrent from stem to stern, overthrowing men, and breaking the 23)lashings of the spars. A fearful shock followed, and, thrown over the rail without having time to stop myself, I fell into the sea.


  儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne, 1828.2.8-1905.3.25)是19世纪法国作家,著名的科幻小说和冒险小说作家,被誉为“现代科学幻想小说之父”。

