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我坐在彼德拉河畔哭泣 By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept(2)

me a letter, but he never returned to the paths and forests of our childhood. When I finished school, I moved to Zaragaza, and there I found that he had been right. Saria was a small town, and as its only famous poet had said, roads are made to be traveled. I enrolled in the university and found a boyfriend. I began to study for a scholarship (I was working as a salesgirl to pay for my courses). But I lost the competition for the scholarship, and after that I left my boyfriend.
  Then the letters from my childhood friend began to arrive more frequently and I was envious of the stamps from so many different places. He seemed to know everything, he sprouted wings, and now he roamed the world. Meanwhile, I was simply trying to put down roots.
  Some of his letters, all mailed from the same place in France, spoke of God. In one, he wrote about wanting to enter a 5)seminary and dedicate his life to prayer. I wrote him back, asking him to wait a bit, urging him to experience more of his freedom before committing himself to something so serious.
  But after I reread my letter, I tore it up. Who was I to speak about freedom or commitment? Compared to him I knew nothing about such things.
  One day I learned that he had begun to give lectures. This surprised me; I thought he was too young to be able to teach anything to anyone. And then he wrote to me that he was going to speak to a small group in Madrid and he asked me to come.
  So I made the four-hour trip from Zaragoza to Madrid.


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