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After reading, why can’t I use English to sketch the content in anything but Chinese? Can you give me an idea on how I can remember it in English?


    You can train yourself systematically to recall a text in English by making notes. You need different notes for different styles of texts. For example, if you are reading a narrative, make notes on the sequence of events: before the event, the event, after the event. If you are reading a description, make notes on the people or things described and their main features. If you are reading an argument, make notes on the points ‘for’ and ‘against’. Once you have these notes, use them to give a little talk in English which attempts to recreate what you have just read. Alternatively, use the notes to ‘say the text to yourself’ as a mental exercise. You will soon get into the habit of not only reading in English, but thinking in English as well. Thinking in a foreign language is an indispensable requirement of fluency.


文:路易亚历山大 新概念英语作者