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How to grasp the main idea rapidly and accurately when reading?


1) Make sure you understand what the general theme of the text is. (Look at the title, headline or headlines.)
2) Scan the whole text quickly. This means running your eyes down each page to get the general theme of each paragraph.
3) Skim-read the text paragraph by paragraph. This means looking hard at each paragraph in turn, concentrating mainly on verbs in order to get the topic of each paragraph. Skip examples which simply illustrate the theme. Only read selected sentences in detail. It’s up to you to make the best choice of sentence.
4) Make a quick note of what you think you have understood.
You need to train yourself to carry out these steps. Practise the steps over a period and test yourself by going back and re-reading the text carefully. Then see whether your notes are accurate until you have confidence in using speed-reading techniques.

1) 确信你理解文章的主题。(观看文章题目及大字标题。)
2) 快速浏览全文。就是说扫视每一页,了解每一段大意。
3) 逐段略读文章,集中注意力去理解几个关键的动词,以便抓住每段的主题。可以跳过仅是阐述主题的例子。你可以详细选读你认为重要的句子。当然,挑选什么句子由你自己做主。
4) 关于你所理解的内容,可以做笔记。

文:路易亚历山大 新概念英语作者
