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When I listen to English broadcast, I sometimes understand it, but I can’t write out the whole sentence.


Why should you want to write out a whole sentence if yoi’re listening to a broadcast? A broadcast is generally a flow of spoken English. It isn’t a dictation. What I think you’re really saying is that you don’t always grasp the meaning of individual words. My advice is this: when listening to spoken English don’t try to get the meaning of individual words. Concentrate on listening to complete sentences, trying to get the‘global meaning’where you can. This means you will have to guess the meaning of new words from the context. Train yourself to listen for meaning, not for words.

如果你在听广播的话,为什么非要写下一个完整句子呢?广播的播音通常是段英语口语。它并不是听写。我想你所说的是你没有抓住单个单词的意思。 我的建议是:在听广播时,不要试图抓住个别单词的意思,要集中注意力听完整的句子,尽力抓住全文的意思。也就是说你一定要根据上下文判断新单词的意思。要训练自己为理解文章的意思而听广播,而不是为个别单词而听广播。

文:路易亚历山大 新概念英语作者
