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Let’s Start from Here 王若琳

 歌手:王若琳     专辑:Start From Here
Luke McMaster, Damhnait Doyle, Vincent Degiorgio
Giving up, why should I
we've come to far to forget
we're beautiful, we just got lost
somewhere along the way
so much was missing when you went away
Let's start from here, lose the past
change our minds, we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance not think too deep
of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
I don't care where we go
Let's start from here
standing here face to face
a finger on your lips
don't say a word don't make a sound
silence surrounds us now
even when you were gone I felt you everywhere
Let's start from here, lose the past
change our minds, we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance not think too deep
of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
I don't care where we go
Let's start from here
Let's start from here
I've never been the one to open up
but you've always been the voive within
the only warmth from my cold heart
Let's start from here, lose the past
change our minds, we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance not think too deep
of all those promises
Let's start from here, lose the past
change our minds
we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance not think too deep
of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
I don't care where we go
Let's start from here
Let's start from here
Let's start from here
Let's start from here

    Joanna是个左撇子,从小她就很希望能跟自己最喜爱的乐团The Beatles的成员Paul McCartney一样用左手弹琴创作。父亲在她12岁那年送了她一把左手用的吉它,原希望能带她走上创作之路,没想到个性好强的Joanna,因为觉得在像爸爸这样优秀的音乐人和吉它手面前弹琴压力太大,总是觉得自己表现太差很丢脸,反而因此不想再拿起吉它。还好对音乐的喜爱还是让Joanna在两年后重拾吉它,14岁开始了创作,并在16岁开始表演。一开始表演时,父亲非常开心的邀请所有的亲朋好友和许多音乐人来观赏,每场总是高朋满座,但Joanna却没有因此而特别开心,她总认为这些人不是来听她唱歌,只是因为是爸爸的朋友所以才出席捧场的。也因为这样,Joanna和许多其它的表演者不同,有时候遇到台下没什么人的场合,她也一样很轻松自在而不沮丧,好像反而很珍惜这种“和爸爸无关”的表演场合。即使父亲王治平对自我要求严格的Joanna来说是个很大的压力,但在Joanna心中,父亲仍然是最值得尊敬的制作人。Joanna认为父亲的工作态度,以及对音乐的诚意无可挑剔,并且对音乐的掌握力也很好,无论什么样的歌交给父亲,都能完整的呈现那首歌应该有的味道和样貌。
