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Pretty Woman


英文歌曲  Pretty Woman
Pretty woman walking down the street
Pretty woman the kind I like to meet
Pretty woman I don't believe you
You're not the truth
No one could look as good as you
mercy pretty woman
Won't you pardon me
Pretty woman I couldn't help but see
Pretty woman
That you look lovely as can be
Are you lonely just like me
Pretty woman stop a while
Pretty woman talk a while
Pretty woman
Give your smile to me
Pretty woman yeah yeah yeah
Pretty woman
Look my way pretty woman
Say you'll stay with me
Cause I need you
I'll treat you right
Come with me baby
Be mine tonight pretty woman
Don't walk on by pretty woman
Don't make me cry pretty woman
Don't walk away
Hey OK
If that's the way it must be OK
I guess I'll go on home
It's late
There'll be tomorrow night
But wait what do I see
Is she walking back to me
Yeah she's walking back to me
Oh! Pretty woman
  《风月俏佳人》是一部轰动一时的浪漫爱情喜剧,主题曲“Pretty Woman”取自美国乡村歌手罗依·奥宾逊(Roy Orbison)最成功的同名歌曲,其歌词与本片女主角互相呼应,有如量身订造,曲调本身也轻松悦耳,百听不厌。
