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Lesson 66 Sweet as honey! 像蜜一样甜

Lesson 66 Sweet as honey!像蜜一样甜!
    First listen and then answer the question.
    What was 'sweet as honey' and why?

    In 1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island, a remote place in the South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa. The plane wasn't too badly damaged, but over the years, the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed. Then in 1989, twenty-six years after the crash, the plane was accidentally rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island. By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France. Now a group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored. It has four Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, but the group will need to have only three of them rebuilt. Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey -- still in perfect condition. A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax!

New words and expressions 生词和短语

Lancaster  n. 兰开斯特
bomber  n. 轰炸机
remote  adj. 偏僻的
Pacific  n. 太平洋
damage  v. 毁坏
wreck  n. 残骸
rediscover  v. 重新发现
aerial  adj. 航空的
survey  n. 调查
rescue  v. 营救
package  v. 把……打包
enthusiast  n. 热心人
restore  v. 修复
imagine  v. 想像
packing case  包装箱
colony  n. 群
bee  n. 蜂
hive  n. 蜂房
preserve  v. 保护
beeswax  n. 蜂蜡


694. In 1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island, a remote place in the South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa.
695. The plane wasn't too badly damaged, but over the years, the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed.
696. Then in 1989, twenty-six years after the crash, the plane was accidentally rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island.
697. By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing.
698. The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France.
699. Now a group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored.
700. It has four Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, but the group will need to have only three of them rebuilt.
701. Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey -- still in perfect condition.
        想一想他们所感受到的惊奇和兴奋 -- 当他们拆开包装箱时,他们发现第4台发动机就像蜂蜜一样甜 -- 发动机完好无损。
702. A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax!
