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Part Ⅰ Structure and Vocabulary (20 points)
Section A 
Section B 
Section C 
Part Ⅱ Cloze Test (10 points) 
Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 points) 
Part Ⅳ EnglishChinese Translation (15 points)
71. [答案]事实并非如此,因为这种问法是以人们对人的权利有共同认识为基础的,而这种共同认识并不存在。
[注释]此句的关键在于正确理解...there is an agreed acoount of human rights 及后面的非限制性定语从句which is something the world does not have, which 代表的应当是agreed account of human rights 而不能仅仅理解为代表human rights。现将得3分、2分、1分及0分的句子分列如下,供考生参考:
72. [答案]有些哲学家论证说,权利只存在于社会契约中,是责任与权益相交换的一部分。
[分析]难度:0.53;区分度:0.405;平均分:1.6。[注释]理解此题的难点在后半部分:as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements.现将各分数档的例句分列如下:
73. [答案]这种说法从一开始就将讨论引向两个极端,它使人们认为应该这样对待动物:要么像对人类自身一样关切体凉,要么完全冷漠无情。
[注释]此题是5道翻译题中平均分最低的。此题理解的难点有几处:1)leads the discussion to extremes (词);2) at the outset (词组);3)... humans extend to others (从句)。
74. [答案]这类人持极端看法,认为人与动物在各相关主面都不同,对待动物无须考虑道德问题。
[注释]理解此题的难点在以下几点:1) Arguing from the view (分词短语);2) ... in every relevant respect (词);3) ... that animals lie outside the area of moral choice (宾语从句)。
75. [答案]这种反应并不错,这是人类用道德观念揄的本能在起作用。
[注释]此题的平均分是最高的,得0分的人数也最少。此题的理解有几处难点:1) instinct (词);2) moral reasoning (词组);3) laughed at (短语)。
Part Ⅴ Writing (15 points) 
1997年全国攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试英语试题详解 
本题的难度值为0.70,说明70%的人答对了这道题。本题涉及到两个方面的语法问题:一是定语从句的使用,二是形容词的比较级和最高级。首先,从句子的结构来看,空格前面的部分是一个完整的句子,而且在空格的前面是一个名词结构two trust funds,这就说明空格所在的部分是一个非限制性定语从句,因此,我们可以排除选择项A。但仍有23.88%的考生还是选择了A。令我们高兴的是没有人C。我们知道,英语形容词的比较级用于两者之间,而最高级则需要用于三者或三者以上,而本句已经明确说明是两者,那么我们应该使用比较级,所以,答案为B。[参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语必备》(王长喜编著)第一篇、第十章、第三节、七]
本题的难度值是0.53。这一题考察的是动名词的用法。在题目中,owing to是一个大家都非常熟悉的短语,相当于一个介词,意思为 “因为……”,它的后面要求使用名词性的结构,而不是一个完整的句子,这样,选择项A和C都是错误的,因为如果我们把他们填入句子之中,得不到一个名词性的结构。但还是有17.16%的考生和8.2%的考生分别选了A项和C项。在题目中有always一词,这说明句子描述的是一般性的状况,这样,我们又可以排除选择项B,选B项的占总人数的21.64%。本题的答案是D项。[参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语必备》(王长喜编著)第六章、第二节、四、2和九、1]
本题比较难,难度值为0.34。从句子的结构来看,本题要求我们填入一个修饰后面介词短语的副词,选项B和D都含有比较级more,而它后边又没有与之相匹配的than,也就是空格后不是比较级,所以应排除这两项。但仍有6.72%和28.36%的考生分别选择了B项和D项。选项C.too much不能与介词to连用,本身much to就表示“大为,非常”,那么too much中的too就是多余的了。其实much to是个固定搭配,这里的much修饰介词短语to the family's disapointment,所以A为本题的答案。类似这样的词组还有:much to one's surprise,much to one's disatisfaction等等。从以往的考题来看,固定搭配是考生的薄弱环节,我们在复习时要注意这方面的训练。[参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语必备》(王长喜编著)第十章、第四节、十]
本题的难度值很低,为0.28,只有27.61%的考生答对了这道题。这是一个与虚拟语气有关的题目,空格前面的部分是一个与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,但是,紧接着又使用了转折连词but,这说明后面的部分就不是虚拟的情况了,而是陈述一个事实,而且是过去的事实,因为有明确的时间状语last week,因此,本题的答案为D。遗憾的是55.97%的考生选择了B为正确答案。主要是因为考生没有仔细阅读原句,把but后的句子也当成了虚拟语气,想当然地选择了B项。所以,在这里需要提醒大家的是,做语法题时,一定要细心,因为语法题考的已经不是一般的语法错误比较明显的题,而是从意义上来体现语法错误的题。[参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语必备》(王长喜编著)第三章、第二节、五和第一章、第二节、一]
本题的难度值是0.46。这个题目考察英语中nowhere不定代词的用法,nowhere near或者not anywhere near是英语口语中常用的一个表达方法,意思为 “一点也不……;离……很远”。句中又有but表示转折,根据句意,本题的答案只能是C,意思是说 “援助远远不能满足需要”。整句的意思是“联合国将提供帮助,但授助远远不能满足需要”。[参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语必备》(王长喜编著)第九章、第四节、十三]
本题的难度值是0.50。这个题目涉及英语句子中词汇使用的相互照应问题,在空格的前面有so much,这就要求后面有与它相照应的词。在所提供的四个选择项中能够与它照应的只有as,“… not so much … as”的意思是“与其说……不如说……。 因此,本题的答案为B。这一类考形容词或副词的题在硕士研究生入学考试中极为常见,例如,94年和92年都出现过这样的题。希望大家能在复习中注意这一点。就本题而言,有32.09%的考生选择了C项,这主要是由于本句的成份比较零碎,分不清短语与短语之间的关系。空格后的as构成了as a result of 短语,表示原因。
本题的难度值是0.50。空格前面是个句号,这就说明空格所在的部分是一个完整的句子,从该部分的句子结构以及所提供的四个选择项来看,我们需要填入一个能够构成一个主语从句的词,而目前这个主语从句还缺少一个主语,在四个选择项中能够充当主语的只有选择项A和C,但是如果填入how much,句子从意义上讲不通,因此,答案为A。what(the thing that)作为缩合代词在往年的考题中出现过,如94年的第6题,93年的第27题,92年的第23题等。但这种what在从句中作定语的情况还是第一次出现。类似这样的用法还有:What friends she has are out of the country. 她的那些朋友在国外。We gave him what little help we could. 我们给了他我们力所能及的一点点帮助。[参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语必备》(王长喜编著)第十四章、第三节、一、1]
本题的难度值是0.52。这个题目考察动词与介词的搭配,我们需要填入一个能与空格前面的过去分词reconciled搭配的介词,四个选择项中能与这个词搭配的只有介词to,“reconciled to”意思是“顺从,服从”因此,本题的答案为C。但有31.34%的考生选择了B项。这是因为受空格后the decision的影响所致。[参见《英语词汇必备》(王长喜编著)的reconcile词条]
本题的难度值是0.57。本题考的是ING分词和ED分词作定语时的区别。首先要分析句子结构,看一看要填入的部分在句中的语法作用。从句中我们可以看出each nw phone与动词add的关系是受动关系。而选项中A,B和C项都表示施动关系,只有D才表示受动关系。所以本题的答案为D,这里added是ED分词做定语,修饰前面的名词phone。但有29.85%的考生选了A项。这充分说明了考生对ING和ED分词的区别还是没有完全掌握。再一次提醒大家,做语法题要从该句的意义下手,要分析各成分之间的逻辑关系。如96年的第9题和93年的第61题都是考这样的用法。[参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语必备》(王长喜编著)第七章、第二节、二]
本题的难度值是0.66。本句考查不定式结构“so … as to”的否定式“so … as not to,”只不过这里用hardly代替了原来的“not”。根据我们所学的英语知识,如果使用了so加形容词的结构,它的后面应该是一个结果状语,过去分词和现在分词都不能做结果状语,但是动词不定式可以做结果状语,因此我们应该在选择项B和D之间作出选择,从句子的结构来看,动词notice逻辑主语是the differences between British and American English,因此,在notice和它的逻辑主语之间存在着被动的关系,因此,应该使用动词不定式的被动形式,所以,答案为B。[参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语必备》(王长喜编著)第五章第二节、五、2]
本题的难度值是0.61。这个题目考察虚拟语气的用法。在英语中有一些表示主观性的动词,象suggest,command,order,propose等等。他们后面的宾语从句或主语从句要使用动词原形或者should加动词原形表示虚拟语气,而在这个句子中却使用了turned off,这显然是错误的。因此,本题的答案为B,应该把turned off 该为turn off。[参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语必备》(王长喜编著)第三章、第三节、二、1]
本题的难度值是0.61。首先我们来分析句子的结构。在这个句子中which引导了一个定语从句,修饰前面的名词damage,而在这个定语从句中,they supposed是个插入语。这样,句子中that就多余了,因此,答案为C,应该把that去掉。[参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语必备》(王长喜编著)第十四章、一、1]
本题的难度值是0.58。在英语中一些表示 “禁止,预防”之类意义的词,例如,prevent,prohibit等常常使用prevent sb from doing sth的结构,但是,forbid却不能用在这样的结构中,它的使用情况应该是forbid sb to do sth 或者forbid sb doing sth,因此,本题的答案为B,应该把from去掉或把B处改为to swim。但有30%的考生选了D项,这是因为考生把forbid sb doing sth和prevent sb from doing sth混为一谈,从而没能看出B处错,也就选择了D项。[参见《英语词汇必备》(王长喜编著)的forbid词条]
本题的难度值是0.57。在这个句子中,pooresttaught是一个复合形容词,但是,我们不难发现,这个复合形容词是不规范的,因为taught是一个动词的过去分词,相当于形容词,它需要由副词来修饰,而这里却使用了形容词,因此,这个题的答案为C,应改为most poorly taught。但在做本题的过程中,又有33%的考生选择了A项。这主要是因为考生对A great many这一短语没有掌握。[参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语必备》(王长喜编著)第十章、第四节和第十二章、第一节、三、2]
本题的难度值是0.28。在这个句子中,soundproduced是过去分词结构,它是不能用来修饰ability的,因为我们要表达的意义为 “产生声音的能力”,而soundproduced ability的意义为 “声音产生的能力”,这显然是错误的。因此,本题的答案为A,应该使用soundproducing。本题的正确率只有28%,而选D项的竟占40.3%实在令人费解。[参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语必备》(王长喜编著)第七章、第二、二、3,③]
本题的难度值是0.22。这个题目考察宾语从句引导词的问题,在这个句子的第二部分,动词see的后面是宾语从句,它的引导词是how,但是从句子的意义上来看,讲不通,实际上,我们应该使用that,整个句子的意思是说,“我原来以为保险丝被烧断是技术员的责任,但是我现在意识到自己错了”,而不能说“但我现在意识到自己怎样错了” 因此,本题的答案为C。但有48%有考生选择了A项,他们认为A处的不定式应该用其被动形式to be blamed。其实 be to blame它本身就有被动的意思。还有23%的考生选择D项错。这是因为考生认为即然有now,后边的时态就应该用一般现在时,但我们没有考虑到now是see的状语,所以see用的是一般现在时,而now并不能修饰后边的从句。所以D项没有错。[参见《英语词汇必备》(王长喜编著)blame词条]
从统计结果看,我们考生对本题有不知所措的感觉。选择A,B,C,D的分别占18.66%,17.16%,20.15%和23.13%。通过分析这个句子的结构我们会发现,在句子的最后is的后面省略了表语,这个表语应该出现在句子的前面,但是我们无法找到这个词,因此,这个句子的问题就出在这里。实际上,这里重复前面his policy works,为了避免重复我们可以用does来代替前面的works,但是不能使用is,因此,答案为D,应改为does。[参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语必备》(王长喜编著)第十二章、第一节、三、2]
本题的难度值是0.48。但有42%的考生选择了B项。句子中compared with说明是在两个事物之间进行比较,而比较的内容要求是对等的,前面是his politics,而后面确实politicians,这显然是不对等的,因此,本题的答案为D,我们应该在politicians的后面加上',表示“其它政客的”,这里是名词所有格,省略了politics,完整的形式是“other politicians's politics”。需要说明的是,B项并没有错。这里的“politics”指的是“政治信仰”或“政治见解”而不是“政治学”的意思,所以B项后边谓语动词用了复数are。关于这一点请参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语词汇必备》politics词条。
本题的难度值是0.51。belong to 是英语中一个特殊的动词短语,它不能使用现在进行时be belonging to,因此,本题的答案为B,应改为 belongs to。[参见《1997年硕士研究生入学考试英语必备》(王长喜编著)第一章、第六节、二]
本题的难度值是0.43。这个题目考察动词lay与四个副词搭配所构成的动词短语的意义:lay off:(因不景气) 暂时解雇〈人员>;lay aside:把〈东西> (暂时地) 堆置一边;储藏,储蓄;lay out:摊开,陈列〈东西>;展现 〈光景等> ;设计,计划〈庭园、都市等>; lay down:安装、建造、铺设; 定 〈规则、原则等> ;有30%的考生选择了D项,认为lay sb out是“开除”的意思。这是不对的。本题的答案应该为A。本句的意思是:如果工人建立了工会组织,雇主就很难解雇他们了。
本题的难度值是0.55。这个题目中所给出的四个选择项中:in line with:的意思为 “与……成一直线;与……一致,符合”;in terms of的意思为 “根据,从……方面来说”;in regard和介词to意思为 “关于”,但是不能与介词with搭配,by means of的意思为 “通过……途径(方法),从几个短语的意义来看,我们应该选择B。本句的意思是:“国家的财富应当根据它生产的物质以及本国人民的健康和幸福来衡量”23.答案为[D]
本题的难度值是0.42。四个选择项中的名词都有 “信任,信心” 一类的含义,关键是要看他们哪一个能与前面的动词place以及后面介词的搭配。四个选项中能与place搭配的有C项的credit和D项的reliance。但C项和D项能与空格后的介词on连用的是D项reliance。 place reliance on 是英语中常用的一个短语,意思为 “信赖,依靠” 。因此,答案为D。本句的意思是:“他多次使我失望,我再也不相信他的诺言了”。
本题的难度值是0.66。空格后面的部分说 “这个书为学生们提供了关于这一课题的大量信息”,根据这一点,我们首先可以排除掉B和C,因为这两个词都有贬义,另外,amusing (有趣的,逗人的)也与这一部分的意义不符,因为后边说“为学生们提供了大量信息”这跟D项的“有趣的,逗人的”不匹配。 因此,答案为A,enlightening的意义为 “使人受启发的”。本句的意思是:“我的学生发现这本书很有启发性,因为在这个课目上它为学生们提供了大量的信息”。
这一题考生的答对率很低,难度值只有0.27。四个选择项都可以和空格后面的介词down搭配,关键在于这四个动词与down所构成的短语的意义是什么:put down:放下;使〈飞机〉降落;settle down:使〈人〉安静,使……平静;drag down:(慢慢)把……拖垮下来;knock down:把〈人〉击倒;〈汽车等〉把〈人〉撞倒。本句讲的是金融制度的不稳定会使经济垮下来。从四个短语的意义来看,答案为C。本句话的意思是说明:“还没人知道金融制度的不稳定什么时候能把经济拖垮,也没人知道它能把经济拖垮到什么程度”。
本题的难度值是0.59。四个选择项都可以和空格前面的动词be一起使用,关键是要看意义,四个短语的意义分别为:give off:释放;如give off an unpleasent smell,散发出难闻的气味。 put out:扑灭,熄灭;put the fire out,扑灭火; set off:出发; 使 〈炸弹、炸药等〉 爆炸;,发射 〈火箭等〉 ;the medicine team set off during the day break.医疗队在拂晓出发。use up:用尽,耗尽;从四个短语的意义来看,答案为A。本句的意思是:“每个化学变化要么源于产生变化的能量,要么使能量以某种形式得以释放”。
本题的难度值是0.43。这个题目中四个选择项的意义分别为:shrink:〈布等〉收缩,减少;delay:耽搁,延期;disperse:. 把〈人们〉驱散,使……散开;sink:下沉。在本题中,空格处是谓语,而主语是incomes。这样考生主要选择了A项和D项。A项占43%,D项占32%。那么A项和D项哪一个与A搭配呢? shrink主要指从量上减少,而sink是指具体的某个物体降到某一平面下,或是某物变小,由此我们可以看出,答案为A。本句的意思是:“如果商人的税赋太重,他们就不会再有努力工作的积极性,结果是实际来自纳税的收入就会减少”。
本题的难度值是0.64。这个题目给出的四个选择项都是比较常用的词,因此,做起来也不难,但是在做考察形容词意义的词汇题时,我们除了注意把握各个选择项的意义之外,还要注意选择项与某些部分的逻辑吻合。本题的关健在于理解“massproduction”它的意思是making a large number of the same articles by a fixed method,而flexible (的意义为that can change or can be changed to be suitable for new needs,changed condition,ect.) “灵活的,有弹性的”,它与the same和fixed相对,所以用flexible修饰enterprises符合逻辑。在其它三项中,changing的意义为 “不断变化的”,moveable的意义为 “可以移动的,可以搬动的”, varying的意义为 “不同程度的”,在句中的意思都不适合。所以,本题的答案是C。本句的意思是:美国公司正在经历着从成批制造向灵活性生产转变。
本题的难度值是0.28。尽管所提供的四个选择项都以fy结尾,但是他们的意义却大不相同,simplify:简化;modify:修订;verify:确认,证明;rectify:(set the position or situation right) 校正,使……变好;在这四个选项中,只有D项rectify与空格后的situation搭配。所以,本题答案为D。但大部分考生选择了B项为正确答案。modify是指修改一项计划、观点或某事形式或质量。而本句指的是“使情况变好”所以,B项不能成为正确答案。
本题的难度值是0.55。这个题目把四个由out构成的动词短语放在一起,考察考生对他们意义的掌握程度,它的重点在于区分A和D两个选择项,这两个选择项都可以翻译为 “想出”,但是figure out有 “弄清楚”,“搞明白”的意思,而work out的意思为 “想出(具体办法)”,“制订出”,由此可见,选择项A更加符合题意。因此,答案为A,另外两个短语的意义分别为:draw out:取出,拉长;look out:留神,注意。
本题的难度值是0.4。本题测试考生对近义词的辨析与运用,disapproval的意思为 “不赞成,不许可”,是动词disapprove的名词形式(选本项的占3.7%),decline的意思为 “逐渐衰落,衰败”,我们应该注意的是,decline作动词时有 “谢绝”的意义,但是在作名词时,并没有这个意义(选本项的占26.87%),rejection 和refusal都有 “拒绝”的意义,但是在表示 “遭到拒绝”时,搭配不同,get/meet with a refusal,have many rejections,另外,a flat refusal也是一个惯用的搭配。因此,本题的答案为C。选B项的占29.11%
本题的难度值是0.48。这个题目考察动词的词义,四个选择项虽然在拼写上有点相似,但在意义上的联系并不大,做这个题的关键在于把握所选的词与句子整体逻辑意义的一致性,derive的意思为 “得到,取得”,它的后面常与介词from搭配,因此,我们应该选择这个词,本题的答案为A,而discern的意义为 “认出,辨别”,是指在困难的情况下看清(选本项的占29.11%),识别,diminish的意义为 “减少,缩小”(选本项的占45%);displace的意义为 “移植,代替”(选本项的12.69占%)。因此,他们的词义都与句子不符。
本题的难度值是0.28。本题考察意义相近的名词的辨析,tendency的意思为 “倾向,趋势”,常与towards,to搭配(选本项的占3.73%);ambition的意思为 “志向,抱负,野心”,通常与介词for搭配(选本项的23.13占%);intention的意思为 “意愿,意图,目的”,常与介词of搭配,willingness的意思为 “甘愿,迫切,乐意”(选本项的占45.52%),后面接不定式结构,根据词汇的意义,以及搭配来看,答案为C。
本题的难度值是0.66。这个题目考察形容词的词义,要作出正确的选择,首先需要我们确切地理解题干中 “confusing or fragmented”的意义,在这个句子中,这两个形容词的意义为 “模糊不清或者支离破碎”,那么我们只要选择一个与上面意义相反的一组形容词就行了,clean and measurable的意思为 “清洁并可测量的”(选本项的占6.72%),“notable and systematic”的意思为 “值得注意而且系统的”(选本项的占21.64%),pure and wholesome的意义为 “纯净而且有益于健康的”(选本项的占5.97%),clear and organic的意思为 “清晰有机的”,由此我们不难看出,答案应该为D(选本项的占65.67%)。
本题的难度值是0.31。这个题目也是考察形容词的意义,由于选择项都接近于题干的结构要求,我们在做这个题目时的重点在于把握词的意义,reasonable的意思为 “明理的,理智的”(选本项的占24.63%),ripe的意义为 “成熟的,已经适合的”(选本项的占31.34%),ready用于句型be ready for/to do sth,意思为 “准备好做某事”(选本项的占33.58%),practical的意思为 “实际的,现实的”(选本项的占10.45%),因此,本题的答案为B。
本题的难度值是0.21。这个题目的关键在于把握四个选择项的意义,sensation(选本项的占10.45%)的意义为 “直觉”,cause的意义为 “原因”(选本项的占44.03%),purpose的意义为 “目的”(选本项的占24.63%),motive的意义为 “动机”,这个题目的答案为D(选本项的占20.90%)。
本题的难度值是0.58。这个题目考察英语成语的含义,在所提供的四个选择项中,name a few的意思为 “提及,列举”,用来列举实例(选本项的占8.96%),not to speak不是英语的一个成语(选本项的占20.15%),但是,not to speak of 是成语,意思为 “更不用说……”,let's say的意义为 “假定说,譬如说”(选本项的占12.69%),由此可见,选择项A、C、D都无法用在这个句子中,因此,本题的答案为B(选本项的占58.21%),let alone的意义为 “更不必说,还不算”,后面可以跟名词或不定式短语。39.答案为[C]
本题的难度值是0.45。这个题目考察名词的含义,首先我们可以排除掉选择项A(14.18%)和D(8.21%):displacement,移植,代替;exception,例外,它们与句子的意义不符合,在剩余的两个选择项中,B项elimination的意义为 “剔除,消除,消灭”,但有32.09%的考生选本项为正确答案,这说明大家在学习过程中还要认真词汇,同时在考场上也要致细分析。C项exclusion的意义为 “排斥,不让……进入”,根据句子的意义,南非经济削弱是由两个方面的原因造成的,一是外资的撤走,二是世界资本市场对其排斥,由此可见,C项exclusion为最佳选择。
本题的难度值是0.63。四个选择项的意义分别为:swarm(63.43) 群集,蜂拥,成群结队地移动;stride(21.64%)(有精神地或威风地) 跨大步走;separate(8.96%)分离分开;slip(5.97%) 偷偷地移动,潜入,溜走;空格所在的句子说Manpower Inc. 是世界上最大的短时工代理机构,有56万人,那么在早晨去办公室的动作,我们最后要用swarm来描述,因此,答案为A(63.43%)。
本题的难度值是0.53。从意义上来看,四个单词都可以表示原因,但是,because(19.40%),for(11.94%),since(15.67%)在引导原因状语从句时,他们的前面都不能有其它的成分,但是在这个空格的前面有one day at a time,因此,我们只能使用as,因此,答案为C(52.99%)。这里的as相当于when,是关系副词,引导定语从句,by这里表示方式。
本题的难度值是0.63。在表示 “通过……生存”这一意义时,我们应该使用survive by,因此,答案为D(63.43%)。选A、B、C为答案的考生分别是23.88%、7.46%、5.22。
本题的难度值是0.57。四个短语的作用分别为:even though表示让步,now that(23.13%)表示原因,if only(6.72%)表示愿望,provided that(13.43%)表示条件,从句子的意义来看,空格所在的部分应该是一个让步状语从句,因此,答案为A(56.72%)。
本题的难度值是0.09。四个单词都是以ble结尾,但是意义却不相同:durable(13.43%)持久的,耐用的;disposable(8.96%) 可 (任意) 处理的,可自由处置的;available(23.13%)可用的,可利用的,有用的;transferable(54.48%) 可转移的;可转印的;从句子的意义来看,意义为较贴近的词应该是disposable,因此,答案为B。
本题的难度值是0.47。这个题目考察副词的意义,instantly的意义是 “短暂地,迅速地”(26.87%),reversely的意义是“相反地”(14.93),fundamentally的意义是 “根本地,基本地”(47.02%),sufficiently的意义是 “足够地”(10.45%),从句子的意义来看,最佳选择为fundamentally,因此,答案为C。
本题的难度值是0.51。本题的答案为B(50.75%),while的意义是 “在……的同时”,这个句子的意义是“在避免市场循环的同时又要保持在全球范围的竞争力”。另外选A、C、D的考生分别占15.67%、8.96%、24.63%。
本题的难度值是0.49。空格内应该填入一个过去分词,做定语,修饰前面的burdens,在表示 “由……带来的负担”时,我们应该使用impose,因此,答案为A(48.51%)。把B、C、D作为答案的考生分别为21.64%、7.46%、22.39%。
细节题,难度值是0.61。在第二段中,我们无法找到与选择项A(10.45%)、B(20.90%)、C(8.21%)的内容相同的句子,而对于选择项D来说,本段的第一句The full import may take a while to sink in. 的意义正好与它相同,选择项D实际上是对第一句的解释,因此,答案为D。
细节题,难度值是0.45。关于Lloyd Nickson的情况在短文的最后,作者引用了他的一段话,从这段话的内容来看,他能够平静地面对死亡,而这正是安乐死所追求的目标,因此,本题的答案为A(44.78%),选B、C、D正确答案的考生分别占总人数的17.91%、19.40%、15.67%。
推论题,难度值是0.61。这个题目涉及作者对安乐死的态度。从整篇文章作者的用词来看,他没有表示反对的态度相反,他认为这是不可逆转的潮流,在短文的第二段,他说“The tide is unlikely to turn back.”。 因此,作者对安乐死是持赞成的态度,所以本题的答案为C(60.45%)。答D的考生26.12%。
细节题,难度值是0.75。与这个题目有关的内容在短文的一开始,作者指出:A report consistently brought back by visitors to the Us is how friendly,courteous,and helpful most Americans were to them.,其中的helpful一词,说明美国人给人的印象是他们乐于助人的,因此,本题的答案为D(75.37%)。
细节题,难度值是0.43。与此相关的内容在短文的第二段的最后,作者指出,Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of diversion,and brought news of the outside world. 由这一句的内容可以看出,本题的答案为C(42.54%)。另外还有34.33%的考生选了D项。
细节题,难度值是0.79。与本题有关的内容在短文的第四段的第二句:The old tradition of hospitality to strangers is still very strong in the US. 从本句的内容来看,本题的答案为B(79.11%)。
细节题,难度值是0.47。本题的答案在短文的第一段第三句和第四句:They don't realize that familiar substances such as alcohol and tobacco are also drugs. This is why the more neutral term substances is now used by many physicians and psychologists. 因此,本题的答案为D。答A、B、C的考生分别占26.87%、13.43%、13.43%。
60./为[]词义题,难度值是0.16。这个词出现在短文的第二段的第一句,而且紧接着这个句子作者指出,When do these socially acceptable and apparently constructive uses of a substances become misuses? 这个句子实际上是对上一句的补充,在这个句子中的socially acceptable,apparently constructive uses和misuses充分说明pervasive的意义为D。但选A项的考生占总人数的70.90%。
细节题,难度值是0.70。与本句有关的内容在短文的第二段:Repeated use of a substance can also lead to physical addiction or substance dependence. 由此可见,造成对某一物质依赖的是由于repeated use of a substance造成的,因此,本题的答案为A(70.15)。选C项的占19.40%。
推论题,0.24。在最后一段中作者指出:Hallucinogens have their primary effects on perception,distorting and altering it in a variety of ways including producing hallucinations. 这与选择项B的内容是一致的,而其它几个选择项的内容都与本段的内容不符,因此,本题的答案为B(23.88%)。但选D项的竟占总人数的50.75%。
细节题,难度值是0.69。在短文的第一段作者引用了Senator Robert Dole的话:“You have sold you souls,but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children as well?” 从这段话的内容来看,他认为Time缺乏对社会的责任心。因此,本题的答案为C(68.69)。选B项的占17.91%。
细节题,难度值是0.19。这个题目的答案为D(18.66),在第二段作者指出,Gerald Levin took over for the late Steve Ross,其中的the late说明Steve Ross已经不在人世了,这个题目说明,语法和词汇知识对于做阅读理解题是非常重要的。选A、B、C的考生分别占总人数的16.42%、29.49%和35.08%。
细节题,难度值是0.52。在第四段作者指出,Levin would not comment on the debate last week,but there were signs that the chairman was backing off his hardline stand,at least to some extent. 这说明有迹象表明他已经至少在一定程度上放弃了自己的强硬立场,这与选择项B的内容是一致的,因此,本题的答案为B(51.49)。但选A项的占27.61%。
主旨题,难度值是0.40。整篇文章论述了Time Warner公司所受到的强烈的批评以及他们的反映,因此,本题的答案为A,选择项B、C、D的内容都是短文内容所提到的一些细节,因此,不能作为整个文章的题目,但选他们的考生分别占41.05%、8.21%、10.45%。
推论题,难度值是0.50。在第二段作者指出通货膨胀在去年降低,几乎达到了三十年内的最低点,在第三段作者又指出,It is also less than most forecasters had predicted. 而且又用具体数据进行了说明,这说明经济状况要比预料的好,因此,本题的答案为C(54.48%)。选A项的占20.90%
正误判断题,难度值是0.20。在文章的第一句作者指出语言中把货币政策比做 “a touch on the brakes”,但是马上又否定了这一点,说,Nothing could be further than the truth. 因此,选择项A是错误的,选本项的占29.11%。在第三段作者又指出:its jobless rate has fallen below most estimates of the natural rate of unemployment,这说明选择项C是错误的,选这一项的占总人数的35.08%。在第一段作者说:The link between interest rates and inflation is uncertain. 这又说明选择项D是错误的(15.67%),因此,选择项B为本题的答案,它的根据就在第四段的最后一句。
语义题,难度值是0.80。在这个句子的后面,有这样一句:over the past couple of years,inflation has been consistently lower than expected in Britain and America. 这实际上是对这个句子的解释和补充,由此我们可以看出,本题的答案为A(79.85%)。
(一)英译汉: 
1.如果一句只译出部分词语,或整句译错,部分词语译对,给分最多不超过1分。 
2.各句的分数段划分及实列如下: 
71.Actually, it isn't,(1)0.5分 because it assumes(2)0.5分 that there is an agreed account of human rights, (3)1分 which is something the world does not have.(4)1分 
(1)实际上不是这样; 
其实,它不是;  
事实却不是这样的实际上,动物没有权力; 
实际上,动物有没有权力的问题不象听 
起来那样; 
事实上,该问题不成其为问题; 
事实上,它是不可能的; 
(2)因为它认为; 
因为它假定因为这表明; 
因为它显示〖BHDG6〗(3)我们对人类的权利有一致的观点; 
人们对人权有共识存在许多明确的人的权利;(扣1分,下同) 
有对人类权利的合理的考虑; 
有人类权利被接受的原因存在; 
(4)这种认识世上并不存在; 
但世界上并没有这种共识; 
这是某种世界没有的东西而这种权利人们认为是不存在的; 
(扣1分,下同) 
而人权是世界所没有的; 
动物权利是世上还没有的; 
这在某种程度上是不存在的; 
而整个世界却不是这样〖BG)F〗 
整句示例: 
例1.实际情况不是这样的,其原因是这个问题的前提假设了人们对人的权利有了一致的看法,而目前世界上并没有一致的意见。(3分) 
例2.事实上,问题本身就很不可靠,由于它基于对于人权的一种共识,但世界上没有这种共识。(2分) 
例3.实际上,它不是,因为它假设世上有已经达成一致了的人类权力,而这些权力是没有的。(1分) 
例4.事实上,该问题不成其为问题,因为所讨论的问题是一系列只有人类才具有的权利,这些权利人类认为是世界上其他事物所不具备的。(0分)  
72.Some philosophers argue(1)0.5分that rights exist only within a social contract,(2)1分as part of(3)0.5分an exchange of(4)0.5分duties and entitlements.(5)0.5分
答案:有些哲学家论证说,权利只存在于社会契约中,是责任与权益相交换的一部分。 
(1)一些哲学家争辩说(道,称); 
一些哲学家争论说(道); 
一些哲学家(坚持)认为; 
一些哲学家主张一些哲学家讨论说; 
一些哲学家争论的权利; 
权力只是以一种社会的方式存在; 
(扣1分,下同) 
权利只存在于社会和约(关系,交往,关联,组织,范畴)中(3)as part of…;
作(做)为….的部分; 作为……的一方;成为……的部分; 就如……的部分; 
充当……的角色 (4)an exchange of…; 
转化的; 变形的;相结合的; 互相包含的; 
渗透的(5)duties and entitlements; 
责任(义务)与权利(力); 
责与权; 
权与责 职责与义务; 责任和职责; 责任和资格(授权) 整句示例:
会的公约中。(3分) 
例2.有些哲学家指出,作为责权转换的一部分,权利仅存在于社会的联系中。(2分) 
例3.一些哲学家争辩,权利是作为一种资格和责任的交换,只有在一定的社会准则下才存在。(1分)  
73.It leads the discussion to extremes(1)0.5分 at the outset:(2)0.5分it invites(1)0.5you to think that animals should be treated(2)0.5分
either with the consideration(4)0.5分 humans extend to other humans,(5)0.5分or with no consideration at all.(6)0.5分  
答案:这种说法从一开始就将讨论引向两个极端,它使人们认为应该这样对待动物:要么像对人类自身一样关切体谅,要么完全冷漠无情。 
(1)它(这,这一观点)导致了讨论(争论)走向(两个)极端这在很大程度上讨论了; 它使讨论产生一个结论;它导致人们发现某些事情;它导致讨论特点新奇; 它使讨论处于极端的表面化状态 (2)从一开始;开始时外界的;表面上的;看上去; 结果是;在这一点上 (3)它让你觉得(促使你思考)对待动物应当它使人们认为动物应受到…的对待你认为运行…的看法 (4)是(是否)…(还是);或者…(或者);要么…(要么);要不…(要不)既考虑…(又没有);是有意识地(对待动物,还是…(5)象对待人类那样(对待动物);用给予人的关怀(考虑)(来对待动物);象对待其他人那样周到细致地(对待动物)人对某一类人一样;(动物被)视作象人与人之间接触;人类向另外的人类考虑; (动物)被扩展到象对待人类生活一样来对待 (6)还是(或者,要么,要不)完全(根本,一点儿)都不考虑(兽类的权利)或者没有关系;又没有完全被人类这样考虑整句示例:
例1.这种观点导致讨论在开始时即走向极端,它促使你去思考,要么是以人与人之间的体贴方式,要么是以漠不关心的方式对待动物。(3分) 
例2.这导致了很大程度的讨论,它使你认识应该以一种人类彼此相待的考虑来对待动物,要么压根儿不必去考虑它。(2分) 
例3.这导致了对最终的争论,它使得你去认为动物应该这样对待,既作为人类向另外人类的考虑,也不被完全的考虑。(1分) 
例4.它可以导致人们去发现外界的某些事情,它可以引发你去思考动物如何对待那些有利的人类和那些不利的人类。(0分) 
74.Arguing from the view(1)0.5分that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, (2)1分extremists of this kind think (3)0.5分that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.(4)1分
答案:这类人持极端看法,认为人与动物在各相关方面都不同,对待动物无须考虑道德问题。 
(1)这种观点认为…; 这种看法认为…; (这些人)认为…; 持反对观点的人认为…;
极端主义者认为…; 以(人和动物在…都不同)为依据; 
由观点引起的争论; 
这样的观点来自于; 
对于…的观点的讨论; 
在这个观点的争论中; 
来自于这个观点的争论是; 
人在每一相关方面都不同于动物; 
(给1分,下同) 
人类与动物在任何一个有关联的方面都是不同; 
人类和动物在许多相关表象是不一样的; 
(扣0.5分,下同) 
从任一方面来说人与动物是相区别的; 
人类在每一个相应技能范围内都与动物不同; 
人们在任何方面都应该对动物漠不关心; 
(扣1分,下同) 
人类在每一个尊重利益之中都不同于动物; 
(3)认为(人与动物…)的极端主义者认为…; 
持有这种想法的极端主义者认为…; 
这一类型的极端主义者认为…; 
这种想法的根据是…; 
这种观点的极端看法…; 
并扩大到认为…; 
大多数认为…; 
(4)动物不在道德选择的范围中; (给1分,下同) 
动物不应在道德(道义)考虑范围之内; 动物不属于道德选择的范畴
动物没有道德选择的能力;(扣1分,下同) 动物没有精神的选择; 
动物躺在野外是符合道德选择的; 动物处于选择的外部世界; 
动物生存在普通选择的范围之外; (这种极端主义者)生活在道德范围之外〖BG)F〗 
道德选择之外的。(3分) 
认为动物在道德衡量的范围之外。(2分) 
法,动物位于正常情况选择之外。(1分) 
分)  
75.When that happens, it is not a mistake:(1)1分it is mankind's instinct for moral reasoning in action,(2)1分 an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.(3)1分 
答案:这种反应并不错,这是人类用道德观念进行推理的本能在起作用。这种本能应得到鼓励,而不是遭到嘲弄。 
(1)当这样的事发生时,它并不是过错; 
当看到这时,这不是一个错误; 
(2)这是人类的道德观念在发生作用; 
那是人类有道义的本能在行动上的体现; 
人类对行动中的主要原因; 
因为这是人类的正常合理活动所预见的; 
这是人类对于道德原因研究的倾向; 
这是人类在行动中的精神理由的本质; 
是人类在道德原因上的特殊性; 
(3)是一种本应鼓励而不应嘲笑的本能; 
这种天性应该得到鼓励而不是被嘲弄; 
与其嘲笑它,还不如鼓励它; 
是一种宁愿鼓励同情而不是嘲笑的本能; 
这种反应不是讥笑,而是鼓励受害者; 
一种应鼓励而讥笑的本性; 
例1.当发生上述情况时,并没有错,这是人类进行道德推理的直觉在起作用,这种直觉应得到鼓励而不应被讥笑。(3分) 
例2.如果此事发生,它并非是一个错误,这是人类在行动上寻找道理由的本能,这种本能应被鼓励而不是嘲讽。(2分) 
实际上, 关于动物是否拥有权利这个问题并没有明确的解决办法,因为人对于人权还未取得一致意见。(0分)
评语:“事实上并非如此”失分不多,本句中,考生大都是因为译对了这一短语而得了0.5分。虽然许多考生把“假设,假定”译出来了(所以,考生能译到这一步就可以得1分),但在翻译“that there is”和“which”时很少人得分。尤其是第二个1分中的which,绝大多数把which译成了“这种人权”。这主要是因为考生对本句的语法句架不清,没有理解上下文而出错。
评语:90%的考生译出了“some philosophers”(一些哲学家),但也有的译成了“社会学家”或“生理学家”等。在翻译“that right…”这个1分段时,大多数考生把“social contract”译成了“社会团体、社会关系、社会交往、社会范围、社会活动、社会条约、社会斗争或社会范畴”等。
Sample 1 
We meet smokers everywhere: in the streets, on college campuses and in shops. There are 5.8 billion people in the world, and the smokers are about 1.1 billion, which makes up 20 percent of the world's total population. 
Smoking is very harmful. I think there are two main aspects to the damage. First, smoking consumes a great deal of money. As is shown in the pictorial graph, smiling wastes 200 billion dollars each year in the world. Second, smoking does harm to the health of smokers, and it is the main cause of lung cancer. About 3 million people die because of the relevant diseases derived from smoking every year. 
Because more and more people are aware of the great harm of smoking to humans, the amount of tobacco consumption is on the decrease. From the following figures we can clearly see the tendency. The total amount of world tobacco production added up to 14.364 billion pounds in 1994, but it dropped to 14.2 billion pounds in 1995. At the same time, many countries call on people to give up smoking. So it is certain that the number of smokers is to decrease. 
Sample 2 
About Tobacco Consumption 
From the above set of pictures, we can see that there were a total of 14.364 billion pounds of tobacco produced in 1994 and 14.2 billion pounds in 1995. Because the amount of tobacco production is falling yearly, it can be predicted that the tendency of tobacco consumption would also be falling yearly. There are many reasons. Firstly, smoking wastes money. Every year there are two hundred billion dollars “burnt” in the cigarette “fire”. Secondly, smoking would hardly do people any good and it can even cause cancer. Every year there are three million people “buried” in the cigarette “tomb”. 
Although tobacco consumption is falling, there are too many people who smoke. The population in the world is 5.8 billion, but about twenty percent of the population, that is to say 1.1 billion people, smoke. So the situation is serious and the movement against smoking is still a difficult task. 
评语:上边两篇作文内容符合要求,包括对各图的说明,对趋势的预测及理由,数字表达正确,语言流畅,句式变化多样,用词面宽,虽有个别不妥之处,仍表明作者语言基本功较好,表达能力较强,长度符合要求。得14分 
Sample 3 
The total product of tobacco was 14.364 billion pounds in 1994. In 1995 the total product of tobacco in the world decreased to 14.2 billion pounds. The population of the world is 5.8 billion. The number of smokers is 1.1 billion, which is 20% of the population in the world. Every year 200 billion dollars is wasted owing to smoking and 3 million people die of smoking. 
From the total product of tobacco in the world we can draw a conclusion that the tendency of tobacco consumption is decreased. I think that there are two reasons. One reason is that more and more people realize that smoking is harmful for health and give up smoking. The other one is that smoking is forbidden in the popular area in more and more countries. The two reasons lead to the decreasing tendency of tobacco consumption in the world. 
Sample 4 
From the pictures, we first know that there are a lot of smoking people in the world. The number of the whole population in the world is 5.8 billion, and the number of smoking people is 1.1 billion. So the percentage of smoking person is about 20. It is a large ratio. 
Secondly we know from the pictures that tobacco gives us only disaster. Each year it devours 200 billion dollars and deprives 3 million people of their lives. It is horrible. 
Luckily nowadays more and more people begin to pay attention to their health. Thus I think the tendency of tobacco consumption will descend. From the pictures we also know that the output of the tobacco is declining, from 14.364 billion pounds in 1994 to 14.2 billion pounds in 1995. 
评语:上边Sampel 3和Sample 4这两篇作文内容符合要求,包括对各图的说明,对趋势的预测及理由,数字表达正确,思想表达清楚,文字连贯,句式变化较多,结构与用词有少量一般性错误,长度符合要求。得11分
Sample 5 
As shown in the pictures, we can see that the total tobacco product is 14.364 billion pounds in 1994, while it is 14.2 billion pounds in 1995. The whole population of earth is 5.8 billion, but the human beings who keeps smoking is 1.1 billion, maintaining the proportion of 20 percent. Owing to the cigarette, 200 billion dollars were wasted, 3 million people die of smoking annually. 
From the figure given in the chart, we can come to a conclusion that the total tobacco consumption will decrease. There are reasons for the dropping consumption. First, more and more people believe smoking do harm to health, waste money. So a lot of people begin to give up smoking. Second, forbidding smoking in public areas cause people conscious that smoking is a bad habit. Therefor, I believe more and more will give up smoking with the advancement of society.  
Sample 6 
From the pictures, we can draw a conclusion that the tobacco consumption in the world is rather high. 
In 1994, the total product of tobacco is 14.364 billion pounds and in 1995, is 14.2 billion pounds. There are a great number of smokers in the world ?the number of 1.1 billion. That is to say, of the 5.8 billion people, 20 percent have the habit of smoking. 
For the sake of high tobacco consumption, 2000 billion dollars are lost and 3000 thousand people lose their lives every year. 
In my opinion, the consumption of tobacco will decrease as more and more people have come to know the damage of the tobacco. This can be found in the pictures.
Smoking leads to many problems such as lung cancer, economic loss and pollution of the air. 
For abovementioned reasons. I believe the consumption of tobacco will decrease and all the problem it causes will be solved. 
评语:Sample 5和Sample 6这两篇作文内容符合要求,包括对各图的说明,对趋势的预测及理由,表达基本清楚,但结构与用词错误较多,数字表达有误,长度符合要求。得8分
Sample 7 
Today, many countries product all kinds of tobacco. Almost every shop has tobacco. In 1994, the tobacco consumption has get to 143.64 billion pounds. So much tobacco can be sell out every year. The population of the world is 58 million. But, smokers in the world have 11 million. It is about 20% of world population. 
We all know, smoking has a great harm to people. Every year about 300 million people died desease that deprive from smoking. Smoking use much money every year. About 2000 million dollars. 
We can see, smoking is so much harmness. So, we advocate all of people have't smoke. In 1995, the tobacco consumption has 142 million pounds, much less that in 1994. Because many people of smoking already think the smoking has no advantage, only bring illness. 
We hope all of the world, it is no people smoke in the future. 
Sample 8 
On Smoking 
In the whole world the tobacco consumption has being decrease. According to the figure given in the data, we can see tobacco consumption was about 143.64 billion pounds in 1994, and about 142 billion pounds in 1995. Why are there on the decrease?
I think there are two reasons. In the first place, smoking is do harm to people health. For example, it is may be responsible for lung cancer. There are about 300 thousand people died of smoking every year. Secondly, smoking cost a great deal. Every year money spend on smoking is about 200000000. As a result, when people realize this, they begin to give up smoking. 
But I must point out that smoker all over the world still account for 20%, about 11000000. So we must educate people give up smoking. 
评语:Sample 7和Sample 8内容基本符合要求,语句尚可理解,但结构与用词错误多,有些是严重错误,数字表达错误,长度符合要求。得5分
Sample 9 
In wave of economic reform, more and more people have realize the damage of smoking. It is obvious. Smoking has not any benefit to man's health, but as is know to all, everything has two sides. The taxs of tobacco are main resource of nation finasal. So the government of all country have to permit the product of tobacco. According to the figure, we can see the sum production of tobacco very great, 143.64 billion pounds in 1994, 142 billion pounds in 1995. The number of smoking man is 20% during world population. Smoking damages not only human's body but also waste lot of money. For example, there are 2000 billion dollar spending in tobacco and 300 million people die in smoking. 
I think the tendency of tobacco consumprion have be taken down. I should try my best to depress the damage of smoking. 
Sample 10 
It is said that smoking do harm. I realy agree with it. 
Everyone in world know that smoking is not good habit, at the same time, so many warns with the words “No Smoking” everywhere. But on the other hand, there is lots of people are fond of smoking. as a result, every year about 200 billion dollars are to smoking, as well as 30 million people dies from it. How can these more than one billion people about one fifth ration give up smoking? It is always problem.
In word, smoking is harmful, we should give up. 
评语:Sample 9和Sample 10这两篇作文内容与本题要求部分有关,除事先备好但与要求不符的语句外,结构与用词错误多且严重,词不达意,条理不清,不成篇章,数字表达混乱。得2分。
Sample 11 
The Tobacco Is Harmful To Us Some of us are favour of smoking and consider that is enjoyable. In actually, it isn't. 
The are fiftyeight million people in world, but the smoker is twenty percent, about eleven thousand million people. Because of this, the circle around of us is pollusion, the health of human is very had. There are three hundred million people die for smoking every year. Moreover 2000 thousand million lost every year.
评语:语句几乎无一正确,数字表达混乱,长度不合要求。得0分。 
Sample 12 
From the figures we can see smoking is harmful to people's health. On one hand, it cause many diseases; on the other, it costs a lot of money. But today people all over the world still smoke a lot. Some people smoke out of habit. Others enjoy smoking, and find it is good for their nerves when they are tired. And still others smoke to be sociable: they like to offer fridns cigarette when talking business with others.
But as we all know doctors have warned people that tobacco is very dangerous to the smokers and may cause all kind of illness, including the cancer of lung. Many deaths are caused every year. And the government too are taking measures to prevent people from smoking. 
As far as I am concerned. I think smoking is a great evil that should be abolished. I think government should take stronger measures to eventually ban tobacco all together. 
3.样卷的评分和评语 
Sample 1, Sample 2 
评分:14分 
Sample 3, Sample 4 
评分:11分 
Sample 5, Sample 6 
评分:8分 
评语:内容符合要求,包括对各图的说明,对趋势的预测及理由,表达基本清楚,但结构与用词错误较多,数字表达有误,长度符合要求。 
Sample 7, Sample 8 
评分:5分 
评语:内容基本符合要求,语句尚可理解,但结构与用词错误多,有些是严重错误,数字表达错误,长度符合要求。 
Sample 9, Sample 10 
评分:2分 
评语:内容与本题要求部分有关,除事先备好但与要求不符的语句外,结构与用词错误多且严重,词不达意,条理不清,不成篇章,数字表达混乱。 
Sample 11, Sample 12 
评分:0分 
评语:Sample 11:语句几乎无一正确,数字表达混乱,长度不合要求。 
Sample 12:套用事先备好的文章,但文不对题,不能给分。
In the past three years, i.e. 1994, …
5800000000 polulation of the world that have about 1100000000 men to smoke, is about 20 percent of the world population.
Because at many times, whether sad or happy, being work or doing business, have a great deal of people smoke.
Smoking being equivalent to commit suicide.
But I'm sorry said that…
It is well known that smoking do harm to one's health, but the problem of smoking is still exist eriously.
There are 58 billion populations in the world, but almost 11 billion populations are smokers. …
The total quital of the smok is 1436.4 millions Dollars in 1994. The tatol quital of the smoke is 1420 millions Dollars in 1995. It is low 16.4 millions Dollars.
Smoking dispoisses 20000 millions US$ and 300 millions people.
With the development of world economy. A huge amount of money spent on cigerattes, It estimates reaching 200 billion U.S dollar every year in recent years, Therefore. There is for 3 million people to die in the world.
we will build our land into a powerful world.
Because it not only makes tobacco consumption is more and more, but also spend a lot of money.
So we must forbid the smoking, it needs everyone realize the harmful and make an action from now.
In recent year tobacco consumpetion has become one of largese. conisuption in the world. in 1994. the total. tobaacco production in the world is 14.364 billion Pouns. the nest year the figure is 14.2 billion punds. almost. the some of 1994.
14.2 billion bond.(pound椬髡咦?
of the total population in the world, fiftyeight hundred million, the smokers make up a matter of twenty percent, about eleven hundred million, which seems a surprising sum.
The population in the world is 58 million, while 11 million are addicted,From this pictures, we can see out: Production of tabacco of the world is diminde(减,降低椬髡咦?. From 1994 to 1995. It drops down from one hundred fortythree point sixtyfour million million pounds to one hundred fourtytwo million million pounds. From picture proportion of smoking of the world seeing: There are fiftyeight billion populations among. There are elevent … one billion; about percent of twenty.
The most serious of all is that there are 3,000 thousand people who were died of smoking every year.
7) Tobacco existed in our world about one hundred year. It came from Indians. But today, it became a greater danger of people.
But, many man smoking now. In the world there are fiftyeighty mellon man. the man of smoking is eleven mellon, occupy of percent 20.
8) 在写作时,可以按照评分标准的几项(切题[包括全部内容]、清楚表达、连贯文字、句式变化。句子结构和用词)
9) During the time, there are fiftyeight billion people in the whold world and smokers occupy 20 pencentages of which, eleven billion or so. It should arouse we of attention.
10) Why is the tobacco consumption so high? One of the most reasons is that tobacco industries do their best to largen their production for high earnings, we can know the sum spent smokingis 2000 billion from this chart. It's so high profits that tobacco industries go all out to sell cigarrettes.
another reason is government's support. Taxes on the tobacco industries are one important source of state finance, so governments are reluctant to take measures to prevent from this tendency of tobacco consumption.
I predict that tendence of tobacco comsuption is ever increasing in the future in the basis of two reasons above.
11) The tendency of tabacco consumption may be large reduce. Because there are 300 hundreds of thousands peoples died every year.
12) The quantity was 143.64 billion bounds in 1995.
13) In this picture we can see the number of smoking people is 20% in proportion of the number of people in the world, which is 0.58 billion.
14) 根据各sample的文章结构进行讲解。如:sample 1 和sample 2 的文章骨架不一样。
15) (第二段) Compared the sonsumprtion in 1995 with that of 1994, we can see that the production is decreasing. I think it is because …(不切题。)
16) Smoking is so harmfully. why people still like it ? There are different reasons. Some because it can …(不切题)
17) Acturally, the treaden of the smoking not lower the the world war. Though the output of the tobacco have a little lower, but it still a big number. But the decrease is a good thing.
18) There are four groups of pictures on the paper. The first of them is the total production of world tobacco in 1994, and 1995. The second one is world smokers ratio compared between the smokers and the whole population. The third one is the money spent on smoking cigaratte per year. The last picture describes the number of persons died of smoking tobacco goods per year.
From the pictures, I can draw a conclusion: the tobacco production in 1995 is less than that in 1994. As a result, tobacco consumption is shrinking.
On the on hand, the number of smokers is only 20 percent of the world population. There are more perpons who do not smoke than smokers.
On the other hand,there are 200 billion U.S.D. spent on tobacco goods per year. Someday, sombody is going to realize that it is a waste of money.
on the third hand, there are 3 million persons died fro smoking tobacco goods. With the development of society, more people will value their life. To live a long life, fewer people will smoke.
Besides, the production of tobacco goods is decreading.
That's all.
19) As everyone known, …
20) There are about one thousand and on hundred million smoker in the world …
21) Let's watch the following number. In 1994. The tobacco is account 14,364,000,000 bond. and In 1995, the accountment is 14,200,000,000 bond. Now The world peoples have 580,000,000 In all peoples 20 per is smokingpeople, which have 110,000,000.
22) (第二段)In world, cost that is used in smoking become more and more in past, but this years. The cost gradully decrease. For examply, in world tobacco production in price is 14,364 billion. pound, in 1994. while it is 14.2 billion pound 1995.
23) (第一段…第二段:跑题)
The tendency of tobacco consumption will be better. Nowadays, many places expecially in big cities, people know it clearly so much so that most of them don't smoke at all. Even thoug, h that is the case, we still make great effort to prohibit smoking. As a college student of modern society, I think we should teach our new generation, that is to lauch a campain to stop smoking, from very biginning. We should let the new generation know serious the problem is, then they will act crectly.
24) (第二段): Since smoking has done us a great wrong, we must get rid of it. Luckily, now many people in the world have realized this problem and began to solve it. Someday, the wish of getting rid of smoking will come true in the world.
25) Now, the tobacco consumption has a desending tendency. looking the picture. the output of the tobacco in 1995 is 14.2 billion pondge. less 0.164 billion p than in 1994. More and more people is thinking ?No smoking is a good choice. No advitising of tobacco in TV is another evidice of entersmoking.
26) In my opinion, the tendency of tobacco consumption is that the consumption will become more and more low. because the bad affection of the tobacco consumption is well known.
27) Tobacco Production Is Decreasing
Tabacco production is decreasing. In 1994, the tobacco production of all over the world is 14.364 billion pounds, and …
28) 写作应按照Directions 的顺序写
29) Smoking is very common in our lives. Maybe, your father, your brother or you is smoking now. (避免使用you, your等)。
30) A recent convey shows that the proportion of population of smoking people. is arrived 20%. In another word, there has one person who smoking every fire persons in the world.
It goes without saying, smoking has many disadvantages to both individuals and societies. On the one hund that smoking will waste money of individual at the same time decrease the wealth of society. the number of the convey showed. is very surprising. On the other hand, Smoking is harmful to people's health. It always lead to some diseases like lung cancer. Some people even to died. recent number is arrived at 300 millions. In a whole, smoking is a public hazard.
Althought the productions of tobacco decline in recent years, we can't neglect the problem caused by smoking. Only reckon on decreasing the production of tobacco to controlling smoking is not enough. We should do more work to enable people realizing the harmfulness of smoking(跑题).
31) There are often two views about smoking. Some advocate where the others criticize. Therefor argues that smoking can bring about pleasure, relaxaiton, stimulation and so on. but the latter consider that cigarrettes equals wasting money, polluting air, what more, smoking is harmful to people's health.
“Smoking is harmful” scientiests and doctors often tell us. About 30 billion people died from it every year in the world. Many diseases are connected with cigarrettes lung cancer is an example. Even though, there are about 20 percent of people are smokers in our world It's no doubt a lot of money must be paid for buying cigarrettes.
No matter what smoking is good or harmful, there is a really a trend that more and more people want to give up the habit. Thus, the tendency of tobacco consumption must be declined. Clearly we can see it from the production of cigattettes in the world in 1994 and 1995.
32) Since more and more people recognise the harmful of smoking, the tendency of tobacco consumption will reduce dop by step.
33) Although as it is said, smoker is more and more,
34) Smoking has a long histroy of human society.